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"O-okay..." You say nervously, a bit unsure about this.

Cry nodded, looking like he was trying to boost his own confidence for this.

That was encouraging. Not.

He took a deep breath, "Okay... I've never done anything like this before, so I apologize in advance if this doesn't work too well."

"Greeaaat." You drawled, resorting to sarcasm.

Cry sent you a nervous smirk. "Hey!At least I'm Trying! Seriously Though, we'll find someone who can fix it for real. I just want to make sure it's not broken and wrap it up so you can walk on it.

"And if we find a doctor, he can stitch your arm up too." You add.

Cry smiled then started poking and prodding your foot, asking how much it hurt and where it hurt while he did so. After a few minutes of sharp pains from Cry poking your injury, he stated that he didn't think it was broken, so that was good news. All that was left to do now was wrap it tightly enough for you to be able to move around without it hurting so much.

As he wrapped your ankle, you were surprised at how gentle Cry was being, even though he was wrapping it fairly tight. When he was finished, you thanked him and tested it out. Putting weight on your left foot, a dull pain throbbed through it, making you wince, but at least you could walk on it.

"Now... Let's Eat!" Cry grinned.


After the two of you ate the measly breakfast that you had set out, you both went upstairs and sat on a double bed, not exactly sure what to do next. it was then that you noticed how grimy you felt. Looking at your clothes you saw just how dirty they were. the stains weren't limited to the usual dirt and grass stains; there were also sickening dark reddish-brown stains of dry blood. You wrinkle your nose. Sure, you're in the zombie apocalypse, but that doesn't mean you can't be somewhat hygienic.

You face Cry, "Do you think they have any clothes that would fit us?"

Cry look down at his own attire, "Hopefully."

The only closets with any clothes to fit you were in the parents' room. Their child couldn't have been any older than six years old, and the parents, from what you could tell, might have been in their late twenties. You picked out three other pairs of clothes that would be easy to move in and that were durable. You also grabbed a few sweaters for when the weather got colder. Cry managed to find some jackets, gloves, and hats in a closet downstairs by the front door.

All set for clothing, you changed into clean clothes and packed your dirty set away. it was comforting to have a pair of clothes that were actually yours and you'd have to come across a pond or lake eventually, right? You'd be able to wash your clothes, and maybe even yourself, then.

Emerging from the child's room where you had changed, you found the parents' bedroom door  open, meaning Cry was finished getting dressed. You walked in and sat on the bed in your original spot beside Cry.

"So what now?" You asked.

Cry thought about it for a moment, "Well... It has to be past noon by now, which means that there isn't a whole lot of sunlight left. I vote we get a good night's sleep here and leave tomorrow morning. As long as we aren't out when it's dark."

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