(Thirty Nine) [Part One]

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(Felix's PoV)
Felix's heart was pounding so hard he thought it was going to burst out of his chest.  Walkers were everywhere. If he thought that this part was nerve-wracking when he played it, it had nothing on when he experienced it firsthand. Now there was a very real possibility that he would be ripped apart by the dead that hadn't been staying dead recently.

A yelp escapes him as a fat walker tries to bite him, getting his rotted teeth dangerously close to Felix's throat before he manages to hold him off. Still, it becomes dreadfully obvious that he is pretty much screwed. Even for just the short amount of time the walker has been pushing against him, his arms are already starting to shake and it won't be much longer before they give out completely.

Oh God... What about Marzia? With that thought in mind, Pewds struggles harder, determined to find a way home to his loving girlfriend and two fat-but-still-adorable pugs. There is no way he's going down without a fight, and a damn good fight at that.

The next thing he knows the walker slumps over. He blinks in confusion but then sees (Y/n)'s (h/l) (h/c) hair and realizes that she had saved him. He feels extremely grateful for her in that moment and could have hugged her to death. If they weren't surrounded by walkers that was.

So he settles for an out of breath, "Thanks (Y/n)." He'd have to thank her properly later, right now they had to get out of there. "Now c'mon."

He drags her back to the rest of the group, holding her hand to ensure they don't separate. He didn't want to get her killed right after she just saved his ass. That and Cry would definitely kill him if he let anything happen to her.

Right as he got her to everyone else without either of them getting eaten alive a squeal sounds and Pewds feels himself go rigid. That was Clemmy Clue, which meant that she was in trouble. (Y/n) didn't hesitate once it becomes obvious that Ben had left Clementine to save himself like the little bitch he was. Cry called out for her then followed to cover her back, and Lee ran after them in desperation to save Clementine.

Felix wanted to help as well, but at this point he would just be a hindrance. They had enough of them there, all he could do was take out as many walkers as he could so that less would go for them. Walker after walker after walker went down until Kenny's voice interrupted Felix's concentration.

"Move your asses! River Street's right up ahead!"

Pewds looks around to see that Lee has successfully recovered Clem. But Cry, (Y/n), and Chuck are still back at the brick wall/fence. He glances back to see the walkers closing in on them. Not good.

Ben spots more walkers up ahead, "That's not all..."

"Oh, gimme a fucking break!" Kenny yells, frustrated.

"Wait guys, what about (Y/n), Cry, and Chuck?" Minx asks, noticing that they aren't with the rest of the group. Everyone turns to see the three of them fighting off the crowd of walkers surrounding them.

"Shit!" Omid curses. "They're in trouble, we gotta help them!"

Kenny takes in his surroundings, "There's no time! We've gotta go, now! They can take care of themselves!"

Kenny had a point, at least they had a small group rather than just one person. With this reasoning, Felix was still barely able to convince himself to pursue the rest of the group to look for a safe place to hide from the walkers rather than try to help his stranded friends. He felt horrible for leaving (Y/n) right after she rescued him, and it didn't sit well with him leaving them in so much danger, but what other choice did he have? He prayed that (Y/n) and Cry would pull through.

Pewds doesn't pay much attention as he runs, but eventually he finds himself running through a familiar iron gate and recognizes it from the game. Straight away Kenny goes for the door of the house door to find a way in and Lee closes the gate once everyone is in. Well, everyone except for the three that got left behind.

"You okay?" Felix looks up to see Lee asking Omid this, who had fallen over after he rushed into the backyard. His leg must have gotten worse.

Omid grunts, "Ugh... Yeah."

Christa kneels next to him and examines his leg, "You've opened your wound, it's bleeding! Shit, that's gonna get infected." She stands and faces Lee, "We've got to get him inside and clean him up!"

Lee nods and jogs over to ask Kenny how the door is coming. Pewds ignores this and walks over to the remainder of the YouTubers – Minx and Toby. Now that he thinks about it, they had lost three of their own within the span of one day. First Nova had gone missing and now Cry and (Y/n) were lost! Today was not turning out to be a very good day.

He voices this thought with his friends, "Today has been really shitty."

Toby nods solemnly, stifling a cough, and Minx snorts, "That's an understatement. This is fucked up, we've lost Nova, Cry, and (Y/n)."

"They might be fine..." Toby says, the statement sounding lame even to his own ears.

They're interrupted by a small girl timidly approaching. Not wanting to talk about such depressing matters in front of Clementine, Felix quickly crouches to her level to be a bit more welcoming. Lord only knew what she was going through, the poor girl. She was so young and yet she had dealt with so much already, it was just plain cruel and painful to witness.

Before Pewds could even greet her, Clementine had flung herself into Felix's arms and was crying softly into his shoulder. Shocked, he blinked a couple of times before coming to his senses and returning the embrace. He rubbed her back gently to soothe her and waits for her to calm down and explain what got her so worked up.

Once her sobs turned into hiccups she spoke, "W-what's going to happen to Cry and (Y/n)?"

He should have guessed. It wasn't just the YouTubers that (Y/n) and Cry had left a mark on, they had grown close to the game characters as well. Especially Clemmy Clue. It was no wonder the girl was so distraught.

"They're strong." Felix assures Clementine. "They'll get through it. You know Cry and (Y/n), they always come back." At this point he wasn't sure if he was saying it more for the girl in his arms or himself.

Omid's voice brings them back to current events, "Hey, be careful. Digging up dead things isn't what it used to be, know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I hear you." Lee says as he pushes the shovel into the grave.

Clementine leaves Felix and walks over to stand beside Lee, "What's buried down there?" Her voice is pretty steady even though she had just been crying.

People start to gather around Lee, so Felix, Toby, and Minx follow. Parts of rotting flesh are poking out of the hole by the time they come over. They all know this part from the game.

"Nothing. Clem, go over and sit with Christa and Omid, okay?" Lee answers. Clem tries to protest but Lee doesn't want her to see what's in the grave. "Just do what I say, okay?" A look of hurt flashes across Clementine's face as she walks away.

The deeper Lee digs the more Felix's nose wrinkles. "Oh God, the smell." Ben voices Felix's thoughts. By now the whole corpse of the dog is visible.

Lee reaches in reluctantly and grabs the faded red collar around the dog's neck, "Ugh... I can't get it off." He goes to unclip it when the dog's head suddenly slips off, leaving its spine sticking out.

Groans fill the air as everyone expresses their disgust and Ben says, "Okay, that is not cool." Right after this, Christa turns and pukes in the bushes.

"Are you okay?" Clementine asks.

"I'm fine, honey." Christa wipes her mouth of any vomit. "It's just the smell." Omid tries to say something but Christa cuts him off, "I said I'm fine, okay?"

Collar retrieved, everyone moves away from the ghastly stench and sight of the rotted animal corpse. Felix follows Lee to the door and watches as the collar unlocks the doggy door. Lee pushes it open and peeks inside.

"You see anything in there?"

"No." Lee answers Ben, getting to his feet. "Looks like it's been empty a while.

Gurgles and moans can be heard from over the wall surrounding the house, alerting everybody that walkers are approaching. "Whatever you're going to do, do it fast..." Christa warns.

"Okay, lemme see if I can reach up in there..." Lee lowers himself again and reaches through the door to try and unlock it. "Uugh... It's no good, I can't get it." Ben's about to volunteer to give it a shot when Clementine crawls through the small flap. Everyone's mouth drops open in shock. "Clem! Are you okay? Say something!"

There's no answer and everybody starts to assume the worst when the door opens to reveal the young girl, "Ta-da!"

"Good job, Clem!" Lee praises.

"Yeah, way to go." Ben agrees.

"I did good, right?" Clementine asks for clarification.

Lee kneels, "Yes you did. You did good.

Omid stands with some difficulty, "Can we maybe have this conversation inside? My leg's starting to hurt like hell."

Kenny takes a few steps inside to scope out the place a bit, "Looks okay from here, everybody in."

One by one the group piles into the well fortified house, closing the door once no one is left outside. Felix joins the majority of the group that stands in the kitchen while Christa sets Omid down on the couch in the living room. The silence is grim, the reminder of the four missing members of the group hitting hard now that they have a moment to breathe.


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