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After at least an hour and a half of walking Lilly stated that there wasn't much further to go. Lilly had been leading the way, directing the group to an air force base. She said that it was a U.S. Air Force base, the one that she used to work at. On the way there were a few country houses that were far enough away from main roads so that when you searched them most of the food was in place. You also grabbed some extra knives from the kitchen, just in case. Even better was that your group had only crossed paths with three walkers, which were easily taken care of.

"Shit. Stay low." Lilly warned, holding out her hand to stop anyone from moving forward as you all stooped into a crouch.

The base was overrun. Well, not exactly... It was more the outside that was littered with walkers, the base itself looked to be sealed up pretty well. The only probably would be finding a way in now.

"Is there a way to sneak in?" Ryan whispers.

"Maybe... If we can move quickly and quietly enough, we may be able to sneak in through the back door." Lilly answers. "Assuming that there aren't as many walkers roaming around back there."

"We gotta try." You say, motioning for Lilly to lead the way.

Your group stays in the cover of the forest for as long as possible, not wanting to alert any walkers of where you are. The trees thin out and you all stay low as you creep forward, trying to stay out of sight from the dead in the parking lot of the base. Toby stabs a walker that gets a bit too close for comfort then falls back into line. Every footstep makes you anticipate the walkers hearing you, every breath seems to echo across the parking lot. The whole way over to the building your body is tense and you are on edge, just waiting for something to go wrong. Miraculously you manage to get to the back entrance without getting caught by any walkers.

Lilly turns the doorknob and curses. It was locked. Well, you knew your luck had to run out at some point. A walker ambled over, slowly becoming aware that there was fresh meat nearby. Felix quickly embeds his knife in its head before it can make too much noise and attract others.

"What now?" Ryan hisses, warily eyeing the undead that are too close in your opinion. "We can't just sit here."

"Do we risk making noise and kicking the door in or do we try the front door?" You offer, unsure of any other options there could be as of now. "Unless you know where any windows are that might be open?"

Lilly ponders your words then instructs, "Ryan, (Y/n), go check the front door. Watch each other's backs! Felix, Toby, and I will split up to look for any windows. We come straight back here, understand?"

Her words are met with nods and everyone breaks off respectively, you and Cry heading off together. He takes the lead with you following close behind as you sneak towards the front door. As you make your way over a few walkers get curious and wander over, but you and Cry handle them with no implications. Now at the front of the door you realized just how exposed you were. There was no cover at all, which set every single one of your nerves on edge and made your muscles tense in fear and preparation in case the walkers notice you. Being eaten alive sounds like a very gruesome way to go.

"Shit. Locked." Ryan mutters quietly, jiggling the handles once more for good measure. He seemed to notice your unease. "C'mon, let's go back."

You two were the first ones back. You let out a shaky breath that you had been holding. For now you were safe. Cry hesitates for a second then pats your shoulder, whether to comfort you or congratulate you for not dying you weren't sure. Probably a bit of both. You give him a thankful smile rather than saying anything and you two wait in silence for the other three to make it back. It doesn't take too long before Toby returns. He shakes his head, saying without words that he hadn't found anything. Felix and Lilly come back soon after, neither of them having better luck. Pewds had found a fire escape, but it was locked and he didn't want to risk triggering the fire alarm by breaking in.

Revived [Cry x Reader] (Completed)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now