Chapter five

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As days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months Arthur and Alfred got closer. They had fallen into the habit of walking to school together, Arthur wanted to protest, seeing as he still didn't completely trust the human race, but Francis soon began to tag along, much to Alfred's disappointment. At the moment Arthur and Francis were exiting their house and walking towards Alfred's.

"Arthur, mon Angleterre, je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous insistez sur ne pas vous brosser les cheveux, vous semblez un gâchis."

Arthur scoffed, "Dieu, j'ai brossé mes cheveux, vous idiot! Honnêtement, parfois je vous déteste tellement." The pair were arguing over whether or not Arthur brushed his hair this morning when the taller male came outside.

"Hey dudes! Sup!"

Francis turned to him. "Bonjour mon Amérique!"

Alfred's face twisted into one of confusion, "uh, what dude?"

Arthur let out a groan of annoyance. "He said hello you dolt."

Alfred nodded "oh okay, thanks for the translation Artie."

Francis' eyes widened and he vigorously shook his head to signal Alfred not to call him that. Arthur, who had previously reacted rather well to the nickname his mother Britannia so fondly used to call him, began to shake. Tears welled in his emerald green eyes, he hugged himself and began to hyperventilate as he was thrown into the very moment his mother was killed.

~warning violence ahead, I'll try not to make it too violent~

Arthur, his father, his mother, and Francis were running, scared for their lives. Arthur was only physically ten, his mother had used a spell to make him look physically younger so he wouldn't be spotted as easily. The boy let out a small whimper and picked up speed. An arrow from a crossbow whizzed past, skimming his alabaster cheek. The Frenchman, physically thirteen, picked up Arthur.

"Mon petit lapin, it is my job to protect you. And that is what I will do, you must stay quiet understand?" Francis whispered as he ran through the woods carrying Arthur bridal style. The Briton nodded softly and whimpered again, hiding his face in Francis' shoulder. The older boy used a spell Britannia had taught him and turned both himself and Arthur invisible. A human shouted from behind them as a camara crew struggled to keep up.


Arthur's father, a man named Alasdair hissed at the human and made sure the boys and Britannia were in front of him. The humans caught up with them, cornering them between the side of a cliff and the ends of their crossbows. Francis was so panicked he was unable to concentrate on upholding the integrity of the spell and he and Arthur became visible again. Alasdair and Britannia stood in front of the boys. Britannia was the first to break the thick silence that had settled over the group.

"If ye wish to kill my boys ye'll have to kill me first." She hissed, baring her fangs.

Arthur trembled, "m-m-mummy, I'm scared."

She turned to them and carefully took Arthur from Francis. Alasdair checked on the Frenchman to make sure he was alright. The human roughly took Arthur, who had been so focused on going unnoticed the spell had been enhanced to where he looked to be four, from his mother's grip. The other men taunted the vampires, saying things like "make one move and we'll kill the boy." Or "take a step, we dare you."

Arthur began crying, "M-M-MUMMY! MUMMY I'M SCARED!" He sobbed.

"It'll be okay Artie, mummy promises." The human held him by the collar as one would a puppy, allowing him to dangle in the air as another man inspected his fangs. Britannia hissed and swung at one of the men, she bit one of them. The skin around wound immediately turned a deathly pale white. Francis and Alasdair viciously fought against the men as well, managing to pin two of them down. The man Britannia was fighting pulled out a golden dagger. Like silver to a werewolf, gold was deadly to a vampire. He drove the dagger into Britannia's arm and she let out a ear piercing scream.

"MUMMY!" Arthur cried out.

"MRS. KIRKLAND!" Francis was quick to yell out as well, whilst Alasdair watched in silent shock. The man continued to stab at her, each stab draining her energy.

"NO! STOP IT! STOP IT YOU'LL KILL HER!" Arthur screamed, he kicked and thrashed. After the man finally killed Britannia he cut out her fangs and placed them in his pocket. Alasdair was still in shock, but soon silently stood and took Arthur from the man. He handed his son to Francis with one simple message.

"Go home. He doesn't need to see what I am about to do." Francis nodded and ran off, carrying Arthur bridal style. Alasdair returned to their house later that night covered in blood and those men were never seen again.

Arthur stood on the street with Francis and Alfred, a shaking, sobbing mess.

Francis quietly entrapped Arthur in a hug. "Shhhhhh, mon petit lapin, it's over. That happened years ago mon Cher." He rubbed soothing circles into the brit's upper back.

Alfred stood there awkwardly, "um, is he okay dude?"

Francis smiled sadly, "his Mother called him Artie. She died awhile back. It was very traumatic." Francis knew Alfred hadn't meant to upset Arthur but he couldn't help but feel a bit of resentment towards the American now.

Alfred bit his lip, "oh god, I'm so sorry!"

Francis nodded and went back to trying to comfort the small Briton. "Perhaps you should go on without us mon ami, I think I'm just going to take him home, usually takes him at least half a day to fully recover from a panic attack."

Alfred chewed his inner lip and nodded, "yeah okay, I hope you feel better soon Arti-....Arthur."

Arthur sniffled and sobbed as Francis led him back to their house. Francis hummed him a soft song as they went.

A/N: hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Two updates in one day! Whoooooo-hooooo! This chapter was kinda depressing, sorry bout that. But hey you finally know why Arthur doesn't like Alfred calling him Artie. Btw in case you couldn't tell the humans in Arthur's flashback were a group of those monster hunters like on the Telly. Until the next time!😊😄😀

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