Chapter sixteen

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Arthur was still in a noticeable depressed funk. He moped in his room, refusing to leave for anything. Teatime came and went with no appearance from the small boy and the house staff became worried. He had never missed teatime, claiming it to be a most ungentlemanly offence. Kiku made his way up the stairs, balancing a tray with a cup of Earl Grey tea on one of his tails whilst wringing his hands. He wasn't one to over exaggerate or even be overly emotional, yet seeing Arthur so upset, especially as something so insignificant as a human boy, hurt him. He gently opened Arthur's door without knocking. Normally he wouldn't commit such a violation of the vampire's personal space, but he had the sneaking suspicion that had he knocked he'd have just been turned away anyway. He entered the room to see the boy hunched over his desk, muttering to himself. 

"Master Āsā?" 

Arthur turned, the whites of his emerald green eyes tinted a light shade of pastel pink, partly from crying and partly from hunger. "O-oh, hello Kiku." 

"You missed Teatime, I have brought you a cup." 

Arthur sniffled faintly and gave Kiku a weak smile. "Thank you, h-have I honestly missed teatime? How ungentlemanly, I apologise."

The Kitsune shook his head,  "Īe, īe do not apologise. It is perfectly fine." Arthur looked as though he wanted to argue but just hung his head. Kiku frowned and set the tray down. He wanted to help, to ask if Arthur was okay, to do anything to make Arthur less distressed, but he simply stared at the hard-word flooring, allowing a heavy silence to hang around them. He wasn't the best at this whole comforting people thing, sure he had given Arthur advice just a day earlier, but that was advice, not comfort. 

Arthur looked at him, frowning softly. "Kiku, please, sit. I'd hate to have you stand this entire time." 

The Japanese man nodded slightly and quietly took a seat on the bed. The Brit smiled softly. "My dearest Kiku, what would I do without you?" 

A light blush painted Kiku's cheeks, "Arigatō Master Āsā, I do not deserve your gratitude."

"I beg to differ my friend, without you I would be utterly lost. Sure Francis and everyone else treat me like royalty, but I adore talking with you, you treat me as you do everyone else. I greatly appreciate you, I understand I'm quite hard to get along with, what with my vulgar tendencies and short temper. Even Francis grows tired of me from time to time. I fear I would be subject to crippling loneliness had I never had the chance to meet your acquaintance."

Kiku stilled, the blush on his cheek darkening ever so slightly. "M-master Āsā......"

Arthur's eyes widened, "My apologies, I shouldn't have allowed to myself to ramble." 

"Īe, īe! It is okay! I just, was not expecting such a heartfelt explanation as to why you value me." Kiku looked at the ground, a small smile on his face. 

~timeskip brought by slight Āsākiku. (I'm sorry, I had many ships. Guess I'm really living up to my username)~

Francis sighed, wandering the streets of the neighbourhood. He was at a standstill. He had loved Arthur for as long as he could remember, he was even working up the courage to ask Arthur on a date, but no, Alfred came along and ruined everything, and better yet, he didn't even realize it. The American didn't realize he had Arthur wrapped around his finger. He didn't realize how absolutely infatuated Arthur was with him. Francis hated it, he hated the way Alfred would just smile and Arthur would blush like a little school-girl, he hated that Alfred could act as stupid as he wanted and Arthur would simply scoff, instead of chastising him as he would the Frenchman. In short, he hated everything about Alfred. Go ahead, call him petty, call him jealous, but don't call him a loser. He wasn't out of the running yet, and he had no plans to let that American get his prince.

A/N: hey guys gals and nonbinary pals! Long time no see, wassup my dudes?! Oh my god that was so cringey, please kill me. Jk. Until the next time guys!

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