Chapter nine

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Alasdair paced his study, anxiously awaiting Francis' return. The head of house hissed in frustraution, he never was a patient man. The scent of French wine, Earl Grey, and blood wafted up from the front entrance of the house.

Alasdair hurried to meet them at the door. "Arthur! My boy, my son you're safe!"

He enveloped the smaller boy in a hug.

Arthur was in a daze, he looked up at his father. "Hello papa, I tasted this red stuff on Franny's knuckles, it was like blood, like the blood you let me drink, but better. Tastier."

Alasdair realised what he was saying and glared softly at the Frenchman, "you let him taste human blood?!"

The older boy nodded softly, "I'm sorry Alasdair! I didn't mean too! He licked it off my knuckles after I punched a human!"

Francis knew Alasdair had a strict policy about not feeding off of humans, as well as how addicting human blood could be to a vampire who had never had it before. Arthur looked up at Francis, his scared, anxious face set something off in the englishman's mind. He whimpered and stepped away from Alasdair. He began to shake, and murmur something in an ancient language; Brythonic.

"Mon Angleterre?" The Frenchman carefully approached him.

"He's scared, my protector is scared. He won't be able to defend me. What will I do?" Arthur mumbled, panicking.

Francis' worried expression didn't help Arthur's state. The Frenchman embraced him, and had a feeling that even Britannica's perfume wouldn't help this time. He led Arthur to his room, not the brit's room, but his own. Arthur sniffled and held onto him. Francis sighed, leading the small, fragile boy to his bed.

He sat him down and guided Arthur's fangs to press against his own jugular. "As much as you need mon petit lapin."

Arthur carefully bit into Francis' neck and began to drink his blood. As he did so his nerves calmed, allowing another vampire to feed from you was the highest form of trust in the vampire realm, by Francis allowing him to do this it showed that he was trusting the younger male and in turn asking Arthur to trust him. Such a small act strengthened the boys bond tremendously.

~time skip brought by um, brought by STORKS. Like babies!~

Francis looked to the tiny vampire prince laying asleep in his arms. The older boy remembered how they had first met.
A French boy hid in the forest as his mother Jeanne, and father, François were burned at the stake for being vampires. Francis, the boy, had been out whilst they were captured. Tears pooled in his aquamarine eyes and he sobbed softly. His mother's shrill shrieks and his father's desperate pleas for mercy filled his ears. Behind him a man tapped his shoulder. Believing it was a human he jumped, and turned to the man with wide, frightened eyes. The man flashed his fangs at the boy and beckoned him to follow as he swiftly walked off. Francis tottered after him,

"who are you?"

The man smelt of royal blood. "I am Alasdair Kirkland, King of the vampire realm. I understand you just witnessed a terrible thing no?"

The boy nodded.

"Your parents are close friends of mine, from now on Francis, I shall raise you as if you were my own son. I owe my life to your parents, the least I could do is watch over their pride and joy."

Francis smiled softly, "I'm their pride and joy?" "Of course my boy, they love you."

The French boy took note of how the man didn't use past tense whilst talking of his parents.

~time skip inside of a flashback. MAGIC!~

The two vampires arrived at the Kirkland estate an hour later.

"BRIT, I'VE CAME BACK. BRING ARTHUR DOWN WILL YOU?!" Alasdair shouted, chuckling softly as Francis asked him if royals normally shouted.

"No, not normally my boy. But you see, my wife and I are a rare exception."

He gave Francis a mischievous smile. A beautiful woman with fiery red hair and fierce green eyes came down the steps, holding what looked to be a small two year old boy in her arms.

"Who are they Mr. Alasdair?"

"Please Francis, I understand if you don't wish to call me father, but there is no need to be so formal. Alasdair will do. That, is my wife Britannica and our son Arthur."

Francis stood on his tip-toes to see the boy, his heart soared as green eyes met blue.

"Mon dieu, he's amazing." The French boy breathed out.

Francis smiled and looked down at Arthur. "It's been centuries, and mon Cher, you are still amazing."

A/N: hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Chapter nine is done! Don't worry Alfie'll start showing up more in the next few chapters! Hey guess what! I wrote a Hamilton fanfic! It's called from Nevis to New York, so go check that out if you want. Until the next time!

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