Chapter eleven

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Alfred was confused, but most of all scared. He printed out the photos and a few articles he had found, with the intention of showing them to Arthur and confronting him.

"Maybe I'll ask Francis, he seems close to Arthur, maybe he'll know what's going on."

The American sighed and went to bed deciding this was all too much to take in in one night. Striping down to a pair of American flag boxers he climbed into his bed. Alfred allowed his eyes to close in record time, sighing he turned on his side and attempted to dispel any thoughts of the petite Briton.

~time skip brought by Marquis de Lafayette! America's favourite fighting Frenchman~

The blonde sat up as his alarm blared, he groaned and nearly broke the small radio alarm clock with how hard he hit the snooze button. Alfred pulled on a pair of blue jeans, a captain America shirt and his signature bombers jacket. Grabbing the articles and photos he dashed off to school, not bothering to eat anything. His mother called after him but Alfred didn't turn back. He quickly caught up with Francis and Arthur.

"HEY DUDES!" His voice sounded cheerful as ever, though this time around he was faking it. The American wanted to consult Francis before directly asking Arthur.

"Bonjour mon ami." The eldest male discreetly pulled Arthur closer to him. The Briton offered Alfred a polite smile,

"Hello Alfred, pleasant morning?" His sweet tone was unusual, as if he was trying to make up for their last encounter. Alfred chuckled, trying to make it sound less nervous than it really was.

"Lighten up dude, no need to talk like you're a thousand years old." Arthur flinched and the Frenchman gawked at Alfred for a full half a minute before regaining his composure.

"Mon ami, Arthur here comes from a rather old town in England it is not unusual for his to speak in such a way." The French vampire flashed a charming smile. 'Damn he must have frenchie fooled too!' Alfred thought, staring at Arthur for longer than socially acceptable.

"Amérique? Ça va?" Francis' voice cut through Alfred's inner monologue.

"Oh yeah sorry dude!" He chuckled, a bit embarrassed.

~time skip brought by Toni! Alfred's Alien friend~

When the trio arrived at the school Arthur parted ways with the others seeing as he didn't have the same home room like they did. Alfred saw his opportunity and seized it, taking the papers out of his pocket, he showed them to Francis.

"I found these online when I was looking for Art's Twitter account. I checked, none of 'em are photo-shopped."

Francis paled significantly. "Alfred," he spoke slowly, as if he was talking to a child.

"Mon ami, forget you ever saw these pictures." His voice was cold and serious, suddenly the Frenchman regretted filing down his fangs the other day.

Alfred shivered, "why dude? He looks like he's been seventeen for centuries and some of those websites think he's a vampire."

Francis stopped dead in his tracks, his heart skipped several beats a minute. "I knew it was a bad idea for mon prince to come back. Yet I let him." He mumbled, shaking his head slightly. Francis allowed his normally ocean blue irises to morph into a blood red colour, and in under a second Alfred was pinned to the lockers,

"you despicable humans have already ruined our lives enough, stay away from mon Angleterre. Or I will tell his father, and if you think I'm frightening then Alasdair will certainly make you piss your pathetic American flag boxers." (he was guessing as to what they were printed with.) his tone carried such malice that he could have made a grown man cry in fear. Alfred held his gaze,

"so, he is a vampire?"

The Frenchman groaned softly, let Alfred go and walked to his home room.

~time skip brought by American Flag boxers~

Arthur sat in his homeroom/first and second period class, honours English, he could tell something was horribly wrong but he couldn't figure out what. Francis marched in irritated, a curious and slightly cross Alfred behind him.

"Arthur gather your belongings, we are to be heading home. Ye shan't have a choice in the matter, do not argue with me on this." Arthur did a doubt take, Francis only reverted to old English when he was scared or cross. The smaller male nodded, much to his teacher's protest, and began to walk out of class. As soon as the trio entered the hallway Alfred looked at Arthur differently, he couldn't decide whether to be horrified or amazed.

"So, you're a vampire?"

Arthur looked as though have had been struck across the face. "What?! Who on earth told you that rubbish?"

Alfred scoffed, "don't play me like a fool."

The British boy sighed, "yes, I-I-I am. How did you find out?"

Alfred smiled softly, "the Internet is an amazing thing, next time be careful about having your picture taken."

Alfred held out the photos and Arthur smiled fondly at them. "I remember these, before we went into hiding, times were great."

The englishman's voice was a mere whisper. Francis hissed at Alfred and pulled Arthur close to his chest, "tell a soul and I'll bite out your jugular with my bare teeth."

Arthur looked apauled, "Francis you know how father feels about feeding off humans!" He whisper-shouted.

Alfred paled slightly, "why are you so protective of him?! I'm not gonna hurt him!" Francis glared at him with red eyes, "that's what they said." A memory started to play in Arthur's mind.

"Come on out, we ain't gonna hurt ya!" The host of the show called out softly, trying to coax Arthur and Francis out of hiding, the boys had been separated from Britannia and Alasdair and hid in a bush to avoid being caught.

"come on little guys we promise. We just wanna see ya."

Arthur looked to Francis, "maybe they-" "non! Mon petit Lapin they will only hurt us. They are lying, we will not leave the bush."

Soon the men left and Arthur and Francis did as well, in search of Britannia and Alasdair. They found them and were corned. Soon one of the men killed Britannia and from that day forward Arthur thought humans incapable of telling the truth, especially after Francis shared with him how his parents died.

Alfred huffed, "he's a grown man!"

"He's un petit garçon!" Arthur was caught in the middle and clung to Francis. 'Everything will change now that he knows. He'll tell everyone. I'll be hunted again, papa and Francis'll be hunted again.'  He thought to himself.

"How is he a little boy?! He's older than I am!"

"Non! If he were to be human he'd barely be fifteen you insolent child!" Francis huffed.

'Well then.' Alfred sighed.

A/N: hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Here's chapter eleven! Alfred finally found out! What happens next?! Oh it's all so exciting! If you have any ideas for future plot points just comment down below. I'd love to include your guys' ideas in this book. Until the next time.

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