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Unholy Godless Verses

When you travel into the depths of the suburbs / Within the nooks painted with vulgar verses / You'll hear them strumming soft strings and / Roaring lyrics adorned with blasphemous curses.

When you stumble upon a house of the Gods / You'll find it broken and covered in dirt / And you'll see them gathering to sing / Morbid ballads of barely concealed hurt.

When you find yourself in a graffitied bar / The stench of alcohol attacking your senses / They'll bound onto a cardboard stage / And scream God-intended offences.

Unholy Godless Verses

When you hear them strumming soft strings / Listen to the phrases that they scream / That is hope, not hate, that you hear / Wishes for a new world - a dream.

When you hear them wailing morbid ballads / Watch from afar as they mourn / Amidst the ruins they once worshipped / As they pray for a new dawn.

When they scream their offences to Gods / Close your eyes and fall asleep / To the rhythmic beat of drums and hearts / Their implications will come to you, and for them, you shall weep.

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