Merry Christmas

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Anthony's POV
'Alright Anthony , it's time to finish your christmas shopping,' I told myself as I looked through the list of all my friends. Every year I try to get all my friends a present. Sometimes they aren't the best stuff because I just get people the things from my jacket, but at least it's a present. I'm pretty much done with all of them, but every year, I always forget one person and I end up giving them a rubber bouncy ball or some vampire teeth, I can find at the last minute. But this year I am double checking.

Phillipa ? Check.

Oak ? Check.

Daveed? Check.

Lin ? Check.

Leslie ? Check

Renée ? Check

Jasmine ? Damn It!

Ugh, I still need to get Jasmine  a present, and it's been driving me crazy. I can't get her a yarn bracelet, or a cheap headband like previous years. Jasmine  is my girlfriend now, she has been my girlfriend for the past two months and this is our first Christmas as a couple and I want to get her something really, really special. But what? I decided to go to the store and actually buy her something, but what am I suppose to get her? I need advice, quick. Christmas is in two weeks and all I need is to get her a present before it. I would talk to Phillipa , but she will just go to Jasmine  and say what an awesome boyfriend I am for being so concerned on a present and tell her what I'm gonna get her. I can't ask The guys because we all know how the last time I asked them for advice to buy My last girlfriend  a present turned out. Lin  and Renée  is just no, they'll probably tell me to but her something totally unnatural and dramatically extravagent. Why is this so hard .But there is one person I could go to.


Brooklyn is my cousin's babysitter she has been his babysitter for like 5 months now, and she's pretty much part of the gang. She has cinnomon colored skin, and brown hair with side bangs. She was 13 and was 5,2, she never had a boyfriend, but she's good for advice. I looked at the time, it was Saturday morning, Jasmine and the gang would be at the show or rehearsal  ,so  Brooklyn must be at my cousins  house. The problem about this is that because I missed the Holiday cruise with my family, I'm spending Christmas with the My other cousins  Family and they live across town .i want this perfect I don't want to disappoint my girlfriend in front of her whole family. I need to talk to Brooklyn, and now. I walked to the  apartment and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later A.J  opened the door and looked up at me. "Hey Anthony , what are you doing here."

"I'm here to see Brook," I said jiggling my leg in anticipation. A.J raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"You have a girlfriend remember, I don't think Jasmine  will be happy when she hears this," A.J remarked. I rolled my eyes, why does he think I'm crushing on every girl I talk to? "I think that's not a very smart move dude."

"Can I just talk to her," I agitatedly said. Brooklyn came to the door and looked at A.J .

"Leave and I'll give you an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert," Brooklyn said. A.J shrugged and ran to his room.

"Hey Ant  what are you doing here," Brooklyn asked. Apparently Brook decided to straighten her naturally wavy hair, and she wore floral pattern overalls and a pink jean jacket and pink high tops. Her plump lips were covered in lip gloss and her light brown eyes were outlined in eye liner and mascara.

"I need to talk to you," Anthony  said. Brooklyn squinted her eyes in confusion and opened the door for me.

"Ooook, come in," she said. I walked in and sat on the couch. Brook sat down next to me and put her hands on her lap.

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