Im Sorry .

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//probably will suck but yeah //

"Did you think one minute about the kids jasmine !?" Anthony screamed at the woman in front of him as he stood in front of her as she sat on the couch tears streaming down her cheeks as he spoke he punched the wall leaving a giant hole in the wall .

"How could you do this ." Anthony started pacing back and forth running his fingers through his locks he sat down on the coffee table in front of the couch having his head in his hands .

"How many times..?"

"I-I have coun-"

"How many fucking times Jasmine!" He screamed at her standing back up he was boiling with rage , he was so angry .

" six.." she mutters out and looked at her hands tears still falling with a sigh.

"Wow .. is that why you've been distance and not even caring about the kids ." He turned to her he hated seeing her cry but right now he didn't care he was so upset .

"Anthony i said I was sorry what do you want me to do .."

"Nothing now jasmine do you see this ?" He said grabbing the papers from the table throwing it at her doctors notes of hospital papers and HIV positive papers hit her face .

"because of you we have HIV. I surely haven't been fucking around with anyone but you ! Who was it Jasmine ." He growled and balled his fist .

She was about to speak when their two daughters came from behind the wall of the hallway Anthony turned around to see them .Anthony went over to them and talked for a short amount of time before they rushed back into their room.

Jasmine looked down wiping her tears as she thought about what she did and how it's tearing her family apart ,she never sees her little girls anymore really .

"I-it was Paul .."

"Our fucking landlord ? Have you been doing it in our bed ?" He says she stood up walking up to him shaking her head "no baby look it sorry I really am ." Jasmine pleased grabbing his hands . He growled and threw her against the wall having one arm over her chest pinning her down .

"Don't you ever call me baby again . What you did was selfish and now we're both screwed you can play the damsel in distress but I'm not buying it ."  He roared and starred at her in the eyes she looked completely different to him now .

Tears were forming more and more every time he'd yell she really regretted it but she knew he'd never forgive her . She nodded slowly and he let go of her .

That night there was nothing but silence and they'd be silence until they came into a conclusion of what to do next .

(Just a little short story and since everyone writes about Anthony being the cheater I wanted to do the other way around )

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