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Love was clearly in the air at Hamilton High School one cold, February morning. Red, white, and bright pink confetti was scattered throughout the hallways. Posters advertising the school's upcoming Valentine's Day dance were plastered all over the walls and doors. Students were exchanging flowers, chocolates, and a variety of gifts with each other. It was a magnificent sight.

Anthony Ramos was leaning against his open locker, thinking about the type of flowers that he could give Jasmine , the love of his life, for Valentine's Day. Every year, during this romantic holiday, he would present her with a different bouquet of flowers, just like he would for any other holiday. Although the Latino stated numerous times that the beauty of each bouquet could never compare to her beauty, Jasmine loved them nonetheless.

Daveed passed by and noticed his friend deep in thought, so he asked him, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's good," Anthony answered, turning to close his locker door.

"You sure?"Daveed asked. "You seem like you have a lot on your mind."

"I was just thinking about my V-Day gift for Jas," Anthony said.

"What are you going to give her?" He asked, curiously.

"Flowers," Anthony replied. "I just don't know which kind."

"You get her a flower bouquet for every significant holiday," Daveed pointed out. "Don't you want to get her something different this time, like, a wreath of flowers?"

"Not really, she was never the type for extravagant gifts like that," Anthony explained, "Besides, she loves the bouquets I get her. I get her a different bouquet every holiday and she loves them."

"That's true," Daveed said, understandingly. "She loved the tulips you gave her during your first V-Day as a couple."

Anthony nodded, remembering how the brunette's eyes lit up when he presented her with the pink, yellow, and white bouquet two years ago.

"However, she did freak out when she found a dead bee in one of the tulips," Daveed continued.

Anthony had bit his bottom lip as he recalled how loud Jasmine screamed upon finding the lifeless yellow and black insect inside one of the tulips in her bouquet. She never really was fond of bees, alive or dead.

"Don't worry about it, man," Daveed said, slapping his friend on the shoulder in a friendly way. "I'm sure she'll love the bouquet you get her this Valentine's Day."

"Thanks, man," Anthony said, cracking a small smile at Daveed.

Daveed grinned and walked away, leaving the Latino to continue his brainstorming.

Lunch time began within a matter of hours and Anthony still had no idea what kind of flower bouquet to give Jasmine . As he stood in line to buy a hamburger and fries for lunch, he mentally went through different kinds of flowers, but none of them seemed to be perfect for his girl.

When Anthony exited the lunch line with his lunch, he spotted Phillipa sitting at a table by the cafeteria window and immediately made his way towards her. Phillipa was one of ,and always would be, Jasmine's best friends If anyone could help him determine what kind of flowers She would like best, Phillipa would be the person to go to.

"Hey, Soo ," Anthony said, getting Her attention. "I need your help."

Phillipa rolled her eyes and said to him, "For the last time, I'm not helping you curl your hair ."

"No, that's not what I need help with," Anthony said, quickly.

"Are you sure about that?" Phillipa asked, raising her eyebrows at him.

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