Chapter 4 Lonely

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This had been possibly the most horrific day, besides working the wedding of that wretched woman; I came home to an empty house as well. I take that back actually. She's not wretched. It's me. Usually I take joy in any wedding, putting aside my feelings but this one my heart wasn't into. How in the world can one man hold my heart so firmly in the palm of his hand? Here I thought I would never find the love of my life, nearly giving up, and then one suddenly I can't even imagine being without him. He called me this morning and I've never been so happy or relieved to hear his voice then in that moment. Waking up this morning was the equivalent of torture so hearing his voice was like a soothing balm on my aching heart. So now as I sit in his chair, midnight having passed I have no desire to do anything but curl in bed and sleep two days away. The dark feeling is still here, lingering on the outskirts of my thoughts and I hate it. I just want Tom to be home to love me like I need to be loved.

Sighing I put my pen down, not wanting to write any more. Usually it helped with the loneliness but tonight it seemed to have the opposite affect, making it worse. Standing up I walked into the kitchen, set on making myself some tea, hoping it would soothe me enough to transition into the bedroom. Putting the kettle on I sat at the island, drumming my finger on the top, feeling the quiet settle over me like a wet blanket. The room was suddenly filled unexpectedly with the sound of chimes. Freezing it took me a second to realize it was my laptop, the sound of a Skype call coming through. Bolting across the room I slammed down onto the chair, seeing Tom's name. Clicking the button I waited as the call connected. Before I knew it he was on my screen, looking tired. It didn't even matter; he was still the most beautiful thing I had seen all day.

"What are you doing up still? It must be nearly one there." Tom scolded, his voice slightly distorted by the computer but still it was enough to chase away any lingering sadness.

"I can't sleep without you." I admitted, taking in every inch of his pixelated face.

"Aw my darling. I miss you more then you'll ever know."

"How's it going out there?"

Without reason his face lit up with excitement and I let a smile grow on my face, wondering what was going on. Leaning back in his chair, he put his hands behind his head, looking far too pleased with himself.

"Everything I had to do tomorrow has been cancelled. I'll be on a flight home tonight." He announced, grinning widely.

I let out a shriek, jumping to my feet and doing a victory dance around our living room, not caring how ridiculous I looked. The sound of Tom laughing brought me back down to earth and I made my way back. Sitting down I caught my breath, smiling from ear to ear at him. Placing my hands on the desk I stared into the computer, my eyes shining even in the pixelated window of my face.

"Seriously? You're coming home tonight?" I asked, feeling the excitement rise.

"After everything is done here today I get on a flight to New York."

"New York?" I murmured, confused.

"The only other option is to wait an extra three hours here after I've finished everything. If I take the flight to New York I get there at 10 which is 4 am for you and then it's an hour and a half layover and on to London." He explained, "If I take the flight from London to LA I only leave here at 1 am my time."

"Take the flight. I need you here." I nodded, wanting him home sooner rather then later.

He was about to say something when a loud noise made me jump out of my seat. Suddenly I remembered that I had put the kettle on the stove for tea. Running to the kitchen I made the fastest cup in the world before heading back to the computer.

"What was that all about?" he asked, a frown on his face.

"I put the kettle on for tea right before you called. Scared the daylights out of myself when it went off."

"Alright darling, like I was about to say I'll take the New York flight home tonight. Tell me about your day? How was your wedding?" he encouraged, leaning forward to listen.

I sat up for another hour, taking with him and catching up even though it had only been a day. I told him how miserable I was at the wedding and how that sinking feeling hadn't gone away yet. I knew it wouldn't until he was home safe in my arms, where I was debating whether or not to et him out of again. He listened to me, drinking in everything I had to say like a man dying of thirst. When I was finished and had nothing else left to say was when he started telling me all about this him out there. I listened with the same intensity, not noticing when I started leaning my head in my hands, eyelids drooping. He must have noticed as he was talking, suddenly stopping in mid-sentence.

"Oh darling I'm sorry. Here I am rambling about all my boring interviews when you must be exhausted." He exclaimed, checking the time on his watch and calculating the time difference.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep there. I don't want to go to sleep without you." I admitted, feeling the loneliness creep up on me.

"Pick me up and take me to the bedroom. Bring your charger." He ordered, voice filled with mischief.

Raising a brow slightly I stared at him for a second before doing as he said. Shutting off all the light in our house I made my way into the bedroom. Leaving the light off I rooted around in the dark, plugging the computer in and laying it on the bedside table next to me. Curling on my side of the bed I turned over and looked at him. It felt ridiculous but in the most comforting way.

"See this way I can stay with you till you fall asleep and by the time you wake up tomorrow I will be on my way back to you." He explained, his eyes showing me all the ways he loved me in a single glance.

"This is perfect. I would rather it be you holding me instead of me sleeping on my own hand but it'll do." I laughed, tucking my hand under my head.

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" he replied, throwing his arm out dramatically.

I laughed, pulling the blanket up over my stomach, trying to get cozy in the big bed. Closing my eyes I breathed in and out, doing my best to relax and fall asleep. After a few minutes I opened my eyes and found Tom watching me, a serene smile on his face as he leaned back in his chair.

"I can't sleep now. I'm too excited." I grinned, biting my lip.

"Close your eyes my love. I'll sing to you and before you realize it you'll be asleep." He murmured.

Closing my eyes I listened as he began to croon a lovely Stand By Me in a low soothing voice. Before the second chorus was through I was out like a light.

One Breath At A Time ( Tom HIddleston)Where stories live. Discover now