Epilouge Beginning of the Rest of our Lives

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A few months down the road the whole thing was left in the past and this morning I had left my journal in my place in the bed. I was on a mission for a gift for Tom, a surprise to say the least. As I found what I was looking for I glanced at the time, hoping that enough time had passed for him to read through it. Holding the bag in my hands I felt the familiar stirrings of excitement and fear that I had been having for the last two weeks. Making my way home I walked inside, not seeing Tom anywhere. Taking everything off I walked through the house, holding onto the bag. Stepping into the bedroom he was curled on the bed, nearly at the end of the journal. There were tears streaking down his face and the sight nearly broke my heart. HE hadn't noticed me yet and I stood there, watching him flip page after page until he reached the end. After the fiasco with the plane I never wrote in that journal, starting a new one. Closing it he took a breath before looking up and seeing me, not even startled.

"Bri..." he called out, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"It's alright." I reassured him, walking across the room as he scooted across the bed.

I stood at the end of the bed and he was on his knees, holding me lightly as he searched my face. I could see the devastation on his face and the realization of what I went through. I had a serene smile on my face and he leaned in, kissing me softly before leaning back.

"Everything you wrote." He began, struggling to find words, "...makes me just that more sure that I made the right choice when I asked you to be my wife. You've written in a few simple sentences what I feel for you, how much I love you."

"I needed you to know. I needed you to understand how much you mean to me and how much you have changed my life for the better." I murmured, hands still behind my back.

"Let's get married sooner." He blurted out, making me raise an eyebrow, "I don't want to wait."

"Actually I was just about to ask you if we can push the day further back." I admitted.

He frowned, not understanding why. I took a step back and pulled the bag from behind me. Handing it over I held out my hand, motioning for him to wait.

"We need to do this before we get married." I announced, the fear and anxiety rising but the excitement as well, "And I won't be the only one writing in it either."

I let him open the bag and watched as he pulled out the journal. Turning it over he read the title on cover, eyes widening. I waited anxiously as his eyes found mine, searching my face.

"Are you serious?" he whispered, holding the book out.

"This is not something I would joke about." I laughed shakily, "I want to get married but I want to fit in my wedding dress."

"We're going to have a baby?" he erupted, the excitement bursting out of his face, "You're having a baby?"

I nodded and he dropped the book on the bed before getting to his feet. I thought he was coming to hug me but instead he sank to his knees in front of me, the only view I had was the top of his beautiful blonde head. Holding my hips he pressed his forehead to my still flat stomach. Resting my hands on his head I ran my fingers through the curls.

"Hello my little love." He whispered, breath warm against my belly. "I'm your father and I'm sure you're already getting to know your mother. Just you wait, when your old enough we'll read you the stories were going to write about you while you're still in here. But I just had to tell you now, I already love you so much."

Kissing my belly he got to his feet staring down at me with utter devotion. All the fear and anxiety disappeared when he looked at me like that. Despite the surprise it was apparent that Tom was as ecstatic as I was. Reaching up I pressed my lips to his loving ones, knowing this was just the beginning of the rest of our lives.

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