Chapter 11 Happily Ever After

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I can't stop staring at Tom and I know he knows it. He just finished stuffing his face with Benedict, nearly demolishing the pizza between the two of them as they talked. It was like they were the only two in the world when they got like this. On the plus side the stress on Ben's face seemed to drop off the longer they talked. Just thinking about everything all three of us have gone through in the last few days makes me cringe. It's over though. Tom is here and I've decided that I'm never letting him out of my sight again. I wonder if he would object to being tired up in the house, just for safety measures of course. I should get out of this line of thinking, at least while Ben is still in the house. He looks up at me every few seconds as if making sure I haven't moved from my spot. As if he ever has to worry about be leaving. I must show him this book after a few days, let the dust settle first. I never want him to doubt the way I feel about him and I think that would be the best thing to prove it to him. What better way to do it then to show him the hell I went through, every emotion poured into these pages. This man, the one who fills my life. I love you Tom.

Putting the book down on the end table I untucked my legs out and stretching quickly. Getting to my feet I grabbed the empty boxes and took them over to recycling stuffing them inside. Brushing my hair over my shoulder I put the dishes in the sink, quickly rinsing them off. I was about to turn back and get the rest of them but Ben was behind me, the rest of them in hand. Taking them I smiled up at him.

"I never did have the chance to thank you for everything you did for me." I began, putting the dishes in the sink before facing him fully, "I don't know what kind of mess I would have been in if you weren't here looking after me. I don't know what I would have done.

"That goes both ways." He mumbled, looking a bit flushed, "Plus what's a bit of mutual death to bring friends together."

"That's not funny." I pointed a finger at him, trying my best to keep my face stern.

"Just a little funny." He grinned, holding up his thumb and index finger, pushing them close together.

Pushing his shoulder I rolled my eyes at him, seeing his smile grow. We turned back to see Tom watching us, a satisfied smile on his own face. I wondered what he was so happy about but had no time as Ben came up beside me, hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going to head out now. Give you some time together." He smiled, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

I hugged him hard, not knowing where I would have ended up if not for this man. Giving him one last squeeze I let go and leaned back.

"Alright come back soon okay?" I shot him a look, a grin playing around my lips.

"You couldn't keep me away."

He walked over to Tom who hugged him as well, holding on a littler longer then necessary. He said something to him that I couldn't catch. Brushing it off I waited by the door as he walked over, slipping his coat on. Shooting us a smile he walked out and I closed the door behind him. Locking it I turned, Tom leaned over the back of the couch, blue eyes following my every move. Seeing him sitting there still took my breath away, the closest thing to a miracle. He had the same smile on since Ben and I were standing together in the kitchen.

"What on earth has got you so happy?" I questioned, walking towards him.

"I came home from a complete disaster and found my best friend and my girlfriend together, taking care of each other. I'm just happy to know that if anything does happen to me you two will take care of each other. That you'll help each other. I'm just happy alright?" he laughed, tugging me closer by the hem of my shirt.

"He looked so lost those last two days. I tried to console him but I don't know if I did anything." I sighed, thinking about him sleeping on the couch.

Tom just stared at me and as I met his cerulean eyes I felt my heart skip a beat. The unquestionable love that was pouring out of them would have made the coldest person melt into a puddle. Resting my hands around his shoulders I smiled down at him, wondering if I was the luckiest girl in the world.

"What?" I questioned when he didn't break that unwavering gaze.

"That's why I love you, you know." He murmured, hands running up and down my sides.

"What are you talking about?"

"Despite the pain and heartbreak you must have been feeling yourself you turned to Ben, acknowledging his pain and comforting him. You would rather help someone deal with their pain then deal with your own. Benedict is my best friend and everything you did for him, I can never repay you for that. You are the least selfish person I know and I love you all the more for that." He explained, unshed tears shining bright in his eyes.

Bringing my hand from his shoulder I touched his face, running my hand over it. My thumb traced over his cheekbones, his lips, feeling the softness. He grabbed my hand gently, holding it against his face, keeping it captive. His fingers were over mine and his fingers brushed the ring on my finger. Taking my hand he looked down, seeing the ring firmly in place on my left hand. I blushed furiously, biting my lip.

"You found it."

"I didn't mean to. I was in your closet and I wanted something of yours so I picked that old robe you kept and I found it in the pocket. I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin the surprise but I thought you were..." I groaned, rambling on and feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Why are you apologizing for taking something I was already planning on giving you?" he laughed, pulling me close, resting his head against my stomach.

Running my hands through his hair I smiled, knowing he was right as he usually was. I could still feel him chuckling against me and I shook my head in tolerant amusement. Looking up after a moment he was serious, standing up and suddenly I was looking up at him.

"I assume you found the letter as well." He asked.

I nodded, thinking about the day I read it and how I gave up on everything after that. I would have to give that back to him, hopefully writing me a new one. Tom took my hand in his, pulling the ring off. My jaw dropped as he dropped to one knee in front of me.

"Brianna this wasn't how I was planning it but under recent circumstances I'm not waiting. You are the passion that flames my soul, my reason for life. I see the beauty of the world through your eyes and I never want to leave the safe haven that is your embrace. I will love you to the ends of this world and on to the next. Will you do me the indescribable honor of being my wife?"

For the life of me I couldn't seem to find my voice, even though I knew this was going to happen. A tear slipped down my face as I swallowed, finding all the love I needed and more the safety of his eyes.


Tom grinned, slipping the ring back on my finger and pretending to wipe a bead of invisible sweat off his forehead. I laughed, pulling him up and into my arms, finding his lips. Holding him tightly I kissed him with everything I had, showing him without words how much I loved and needed him. We had beat till death do us part.


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