The Past Enemy

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Lilly's POV

It was nighttime and I was on the couch watching Super Mega Force 5.I saw the Leo walking by then that made me realized something,when I was 5 I wanted to go with them patrolling,but Leo said no when I got mad he said that when I turned 15 I could go with them to the surface."Hey Leo"i said he stopped and turned to face me"Ya?"he asked and I smirked"I'm coming to patrol with you guys"I said he was about to abject when I interrupted him"Before you say anything remember when I was 5,you said I could come to patrol with you guys when I turned 15"I said and his face went like this 0-0"Rrriiigghhhtt"he said.He sighed"Fine you can come"he said,I was about to shout a 'yes' when he said"When you get Splinter's approval"he said and walked away,shell i said how was i going to get Master Splinters approval,heck no harm in trying.

~With Splinter~

"Say what?"I asked in surprise"I said you can join your brothers on patrol"he said once more i smiled widely"Thankyou Sensei!"I said and bowed in respect.I dismissed myself and ran to Leo who was watching Space Hero's."Leo~"i said tauntingly he looked and me and my face kinda gave it away"He's letting you come isn't he?"Leo asked and i nodded"Well,get ready then,we leave in 10 minutes"he said"YES!"I yelled and ran to my room and put on my gear.

~Another Time Skip~

"LIL,GET YOU SHELL OUT HERE BEFORE WE LEAVE YA!"I heard Leo yell and raced out of my room and saw my brothers waiting"Come on guys"Leo said and we left the lair.

~I Beat Your Tired Of These~

We were running on the rooftops the city was beautiful the scenery amazing and we even visited April,we were gonna head home when i spotted a robot"Hey guy's who's that?"I said pointing at the strangers."What are the Krang doing here?"Donnie said,that name,I've heard that name somewhere."Alright,i needed to bust some alien butt!'Raph said pounding his fist together.We hoped to the rooftop they were underneath"BOOYAKASHA!!"Mikey yelled as we lunged towards the Krang."It is the one's known as the turtles"one of the Krang says"Gezz,do you talk like this all the time?"I asked Playfully stabbing one.I dogged a laser thing and kicked the gun outta the Krang's arms i saw one behind Mikey I gasped,narrowed my eyes and threw my blade at the robots head.I then started to get another one of my headaches again,but ignored it for now."That's the last of them"Leo said stabbing a Krang bot in the chest.

"Lets find out what they were up to"Donnie said putting up his bow staff.We walked in the lab and saw some green stuff,what does Donnie call this stuff? I thought and Donnie answered"Mutagen"he picked up a canister and examined it.I then had a weird feeling"Hey guys,I have a feeling something's wrong"I said rubbing my arm and looking around,just then something rolled in the lab in the middle of us"MOVE!"Leo yelled and we ran out just as the thing exploded we all crashed on the ground and groaned in pain"Ugh,is everyone alright?"Donnie asked and we nodded.As i stood up my head throbbed in pain and Mikey noticed"You ok dudette?"he asked"Y-Ya just a headache"I responded"Ok"he said with a cheesy smile."Let head back guys"Leo said we were about to jump on a rooftop when I was punched in the face I stumbled and held my check"What the.."I asked and turned to my brothers with a confused face"You ok?"Leo asked shocked,before I could respond I was hit with more punched and the guys ran to my aid"Who are you?!"Raph asked taking out his Just then he was punched in the face as well."Raph!"Mikey yelled and ran to him"I'm fine"he said.

Then miraculously Leo and Donnie were levitated into the air"What the heck's going on?!"Leo yelled trying to return to the ground"Lil,if this is another one of your pranks,its not funny!"Donnie said"Wow,thanks for accusing me,but its not me"I said readying my Tofea's.I then felt two claws come in contact with my shoulder,I yelped in pain and saw two scratches on my shoulder drawing blood."Lil!"they guys yelled then Leo and Donnie fell to the ground while Mikey and Raph ran to my aid I held my bleeding arm and winced at the cool air coming in contact with my wound.

"Are you ok?"Donnie asked examining my cut I nodded the Donnie along with the others were kicked away"GUYS!"I yelled the I was thrown to the wall What's going on?! I asked just then a pick or was it purple triangle appeared with more Krang droids then I was held against the wall with my throat being squeezed I then kicked whatever was restricting me away.It was a Krang,they were invisable that's why we couldn't see them"I saw the guys on the ground trying to get up but failed something was holding them down,I threw some ninja stars and sure enough there were Krang droids they kicked them then something was injected into my neck I felt drowsy and my vision blurred,Mikey ran to me and held me up"Lil?"he asked I shook my head trying to fix my vision I saw the others fighting Krang.Mikey was then kicked in the plastron the given a knuckle sandwich(Had to say that)and collapsed on the hard concrete,I crawled to him barely clinging to consciousness."Mikey?"I asked drossy and sleepy all I received was a groan of pain from my big brother,finally I couldn't keep myself together,I collapsed next to Mikey and the last things I saw were Leo,Donnie,Raph and a Krang Droid,the Krang approached me while my brother called my name"LILLY!"they yelled but its sounded far way.I then let the darkness consume me and passed out.

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