Lost In Pain

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Sorry form the cliffhanger,here*grabs pizza slice and takes a bite*Lets start!

Lilly's POV(I don't care if I'm using her POV all the time!)

I awoke in a dark cell,that was only powered by a pinkish,purple light coming from a window about the same color.I groaned as I sat up how long was i out,it must have been a least 2 days cause i remember it being 4:00 when the attack happened.There were two things were off 1.There was something around my neck and my scar was still bleeding,I probably reopened it when I woke up,I decided to wrap it in some bandages from my footing and wrapped it around my wound.Just then I heard something from the door,it sounded like robot noises.Then a Krang Droid opened the door he walked in with a gun"The one known as experiment 763931.929 will now go into chamber 77087"he said.Im not gonna let some freaky robots kidnap me,I longed at the robot but he dodged my attack and pulled out a control,he pressed the green button and I was electrocuted I yelled in pain he then repeated"The one known as experiment 763931.929 will now go into chamber 77087"he said again.

I unwillingly followed him and was put in another room but this time it had pink glowing walls."Greeting"a voice said"W-Who are you?!"I asked looking around"I am Krang,you are about to endure test provided by Krang Sub-Prime"he said then a loud beep was heard and heat was generated"W-Why is it...getting...so...hot?"I asked hoping for a respond,yet nothing came.I fell to the floor and huffed while closing my eyes."Experiment 763931.929 seems to be showing signs of radiation exposure"the voice said,I felt sweat drip down my face.

~Time Skip 40 Minutes ~

I was totally cooked I don't know how long I've been in here,two days?!I rubbed the sweat the formed on my forehead,and the heat slowly decreased.I sigh in relief as the room cools down,just then the door opened and a Droid came in,this was my chance.I ran over to punch the Droid but was shocked.Right,I got this shock collar on! I scolded myself for forgetting."Krang will now commence test 2"Then more Krang enter the room and gather around me,They all have sticks and they turn them on there shockers!! I think,I try to run away but I'm shocked.I cry out in pain as more shock me and feel small cuts,and then I hear weeewooooweeewoooo(Not from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!) And lights flashing,the Krang's stop and run out and I locked back in,I'm too weak to move so I stay on the floor sobbing,the walls turn a small shade of red and I feel the heat.And my tears evaporate from the heat.

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!I'm done with training so I decided to finish my story,here!!I'll update as soon as I can,Oh shell,Mikey's coming,Bye dudes!

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