Deadly Greyson's: Double the Trouble

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The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse

The First Horseman was the white rider know as Conquest...

He carries a bow and a victors crown, and brings military conquest.

The Second Horseman the red rider know as War...

He carries a great sword and bring war sometime to the first horseman's triumphs

The Third Horseman the black rider know as Famine...

He carries balance scale in his hand.

And the Fourth Horseman the pale rider know as Death...

Though he does not carry a weapon Hades the god of death is know to follow this rider.

Rea's POV

It had only been the first week I had been at my new school but I had already heard about the three Greyson's that go here.

Sebastian and Nix were identical twins, though I had yet to see them in person considering they weren't in school at the moment they were on vacation. With their parents or so that's what people had heard.

I had heard that Nix was a little on the crazy side being obsessed with other things like death and different things that are along the lines of that. Sebastian he was competitive and was know to sleep around being a player even sleeping with older women the bigger the challenge the more he seemed to be into it.

And then their was Blaise he was the youngest being only a year younger than the twins. He was rumored for all the fights that he gets into and oddly enough he never seems to get hurt either. It was strange.

They had an older brother that had graduated last year he was a freshman in college now. His name was Weylin he was pretty know for his habits in being very cold and out of touch almost not eating at all.

Everyone though that he was anemic or something along those lines but I didn't really know. Quite frankly these boy all seemed a little on the odd side of life. I hadn't run into any of them and for that I was thankful I didn't want anymore trouble in my highschool life I had; had more than enough of that at my old school.

I was thankful that my father had gotten a job transfer but I had been a little sad to leave all my friends back at my old school. We kept in touch but I knew that sooner or later they would get bored and stop texting me moving on to different things in their life.

I was sitting in art class just painting and enjoying the quiet that was what I had chosen to take I had opted to take a lot of free classes like this it was only one of the three art classes that I had this year. I had British lit and a lot of other classes that would leave me crying my eyes out if I wasn't insane.

Smiling I run my paint brush over the canvas making random lines as I went I believe some days you just need to let your hand do the talking and not the brain. It was something that most art teachers wouldn't like or approved of my habits.

But Mrs. Allen had an understanding and just let me do as I pleased so far it was peaceful art class most seniors didn't even take many classes so their was about four of us in the class. I liked it though I hadn't talked to almost any of the other students.

I had my headphones in my and was painting what now I could only describe as squiggles but it was mine and unique I liked that. Looking around I heard whispering above my headphones seeing as the music wasn't that loud.

Turning I look over at the front of the classroom and the paint brush drops from my hand. Their are two guys standing their looking like gods gift to the earth.

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