Deadly Greyson's: Heavenly Estacy

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Rea's POV

So normally most girls would be ecstatic to sandwich between to guy almost naked. What was I? Torn my body wanted to stay, while my mind was telling me to move. But it was comfortable, I was warm and I felt safe.

From what I could tell they hadn't done anything to me. My clothes were all in places. Sebastian's arms were thrown across my body pinning me to him. While Nix's one arm was around my waist and the other resting above my head my hair tangled with his hand.

I felt comfortable not to cramp not to alone. It was so comfortable I almost didn't want to wake them up but I had to get to school. No better yet I had to let my mom or my dad know where I was.

"Your awake?" Sebastian mumbled next to my ear his breathe fanning my face. It smelled like mints, how did he do that?!

"Mm." I mumbled out. He shifts and pulls me closer. I felt Nix's stir next to me. He shifted and untangled his hand from my hair. Then he scooted forward. Pressing my body closer and between both of them.

"Five more minutes," he groaned.

I laughed a little and he seemed to wake up more. Looking down his eyes fill with recognition. A slow grin stretching across his face. Slowly I was becoming accustomed to his small changes in facial features.

He say up and looked down at me. Brushing a hand through my hair. With soft delicate strokes. While Sebastian kept a firm hold on my body. His hand snaking around my waist.

Not saying this wasn't nice. But what about school. Annoying voice ringed in my head and I wanted to scream at it to shut up. But nope I open my big fat mouth.

"As much as I like this. I do think we have school today?" I asked as I tried to sit up. But Sebastian's arms kept me pinned.

"No one cares about school. It's a waste of time anyways it already like 12:30 or something." Sebastian mumbled into my ear.

"He's got a point. Besides you still don't look so hot." Nix threw in, and I frowned. They had a point I suppose. Granted I wasn't feeling a hundred percent for sure.

"Fine, I'll at least let my mom know where I am. I'm sure she's having a panic attack." I said, again trying to sit up. Thankfully this time Sebastian sat up with me.

While Nix produced my phone from my bag. Which apparently he brought up. I took it grateful for it. Pulling my moms number up I press call.

Holding the phone to my ear. There was three rings before she picked it up.

"Hello, dear I am busy is it important right now?" She asked, I could hear other peoples voices in the background.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I shot out fast. Hopping to avoid her shouting at me. But to my surprise it didn't come

"What are you talking about? Oh are you talking about spending the night at Casey's House? Don't worry about it. I'm not angry and neither is your father." She sounded busy, moving the phone from her mouth she yelled something.

"Ummm..." Was all I could form in my head.

"If that's all I'll have to be going." She said with haste.

And with that she hung up the phone. I'm speechless, Casey you sly dog. She must have figured I wouldn't have gone home. I'll have to thank her for saving my ass.

"So is everything okay with you and your mom?" Sebastian asked by my ear. I'd almost forgotten his arms around me.

"She thinks I was at my friends house." I said quietly and tried to get out of his arms. Managing after a few seconds I land straight on the floor.

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