Deadly Greyson's: Tea the Flavor of a Flame from the Past. Pt 2

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Nix's POV

"Where do you think she is?" Sebastian asked me as he played with the paint that rested on the table. He was boerd out of his mind I could tell.

"I am sure that she might just be sleeping. I mean if she is going through a change that might be what it is." I said trying to focus on my painting. It was not going well with Sebs worrying.

"That true. But she could of at least texted us. I mean seriously come on." He said smearing some red across the lips of the girl that I assumed was Rea. He was getting annoyed and I felt like laughing a little. He was childish sometimes but I assumed that is why he was personified as the living Conquest.

"Seb you need to chill out. I wouldn't worry to much about your over thinking it." I replied as I painted her wings I had just sketched this out. She was beautiful and I knew that soon this painting of this Angel would become twisted if not insane.

"Whatever your a pain in the ass always so chilled out." Seb hissed out at me putting the paint brush down and glared at me. Chuckling I looked back at him giving him a small smile in return.

"If your really right about her being an Angel then your going to have more problems than just me." I breathed out going back to the painting and adding grey highlights.

"It's more than an insane Angel that we are going to be dealing with. She'll be more powerful than a normal Protector or Savior Angel. I'm afraid that she might be an Archangel." My hand froze as I freeze and I slowly turn looking at Seb. He looked more serious than I had seen him in a long time.

"You don't think she's that powerful do you?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him. If he was playing a joke on me I would ring his neck dry.

"I do and I'm not lying I swear if it wasn't that she'd already have been picked up by the Academy. They would defiantly came if she was a Nephilim ." He stated as he looked over at me and I knew that he wasn't lying.

"How the hell has she stayed dormant for so long then?" I mumbled more to myself than Sebastian.

"I would account that to the fact that the Angel she was before was killed in a horrible way. The more traumatic ones past life is the harder for it to manifest once in a new body." Sebastian said absently as he began painting again. He was a real smart ass sometimes.

"Well then what Angel would she even be if she was an Archangel?" I asked him since he was a ball of information today it seemed.

He twirled the brush in his hand. "As if I would know, I may know a lot but even that's beyond me." He mummers and I sigh he was gone.

That was defiantly the thing about Seb he was good when he was focused, but when he wasn't focused he was so useless. Rubbing my eyes I put my brush down and stand up.

"Oi, where you going Nix?" Seb asked as I grabbed my backpack.

"Leaving I need a breather you can go check on Rea later. I'm going to go talk to some people." I said waving my hand and I turned. "Take care of the paint for me," I said.

Leaving without saying anything I was going to get reprimanded for this for sure. Not like I really cared all that much really. Sighing I run a hand through my hair and leave through one of the side doors. Heading into the court yard, I whistle and watch as my horse Midnight come to a stop in front of me.

Running a hand down her sliky black mane, I swing myself onto her back. And she takes off into the sky and I watch as we float into the Nether. Currently I was heading towards the Way Station. Which was just on the out skirts of the Nethers line between and the Humans Realm. The Way Station sat on the line that divided the weaker Demons from entering the Humans world.

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