x. cut out all the ropes

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  ❄ For Ellie, because The Girl He Left Behind has taught me intensity of emotions❄ 

  ❄ For Ellie, because The Girl He Left Behind has taught me intensity of emotions❄ 

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He didn't mean to, but he'd overheard her side of the entire conversation. Watched her transform from trembling voice and hands to a contagious genuine chuckle. He couldn't help it, to be honest, they were sitting at the same table.

"Ok, maybe I shouldn't have just ended the call after saying that. That felt way too dramatic, I didn't even say bye." She murmured and paused when her phone dinged. "Oh, never mind, he texted it to me."

"Is this he, oh, I don't know, by any chance Dominico Hart? Because I would've very much appreciated it if I you had let me talk to him." He teased, and feigned hurt, placing his right hand over his heart with a slight pout, then chuckled when she rolled her eyes.

"He doesn't have much to him, Taylors, trust me. You want in on the real him? Ask me." She shrugged, sipping her tea with an amused glint in her eyes.

He chuckled in response, lifting his cup in mock respect, and then asked, "So, if you don't mind me asking, is he the reason you were upset?"

She immediately diverted her gaze, leaving his eyes desperately wandering to meet hers again. "Yeah, he was, um, going to leave New York and go to San Andreas. I was livid."

"I'm glad you sorted it out. Is he still going?"

"Yeah, he's still going."

A silent moment dances in between the both of them as he falls into her trance, eyes glazing over with affection and love at the sight of her soft, proud smile, brown eyes shining joyously and her hair- God, her beautiful, luscious hair lifting gently from the air conditioner wind.

"Lance," Her voice had a twinge of excitement in it, the kind that made him want to immediately break out into a wide grin. "When my brother's movies release, I promise to get you the best seats, first show premier, right next to him."

His eyes widened. Dominico Hart was a Hollywood star who had began his acting career when he was merely fourteen. Sure, that wasn't a really young age, but he thought it was amazing that Dominico had decided to do something completely different from his parents' area of expertise. Lance had watched all of his movies starting from his cliche Love, Axel - which was an ultimate hit, by the way - to his latest movies. As a lover of photography himself, he admired the way Dominico was completely photogenic and how he knew right where to stand and how to move on-screen. And, over the years, he'd somehow figured out that the actor's award-winning self had a genuinely great heart as well - and it made Lance want to be just like his role model even more.

Before he could respond, though, a cafe waiter - Alex, his name was - made his way over to where they were sitting. "Would you look at that, my usuals are beginning to have unusual visitings now. Here's some cake, on the house," he smiled, sliding over two brownie-like cakes.

We smiled back, and Lance noticed it lingering longer on Julia than it should've. A pang hit his heart in the most subtlest way ever, and he tried to push it away and mustered,"Do you think we could maybe visit him in San Andreas while he's shooting?"

This seemed to astonish her and cause her to mull over the suggestion. He saw something click inside her and she said, "That's ingenious! It's been a long time since I saw him filming. We should go while he's filming Stay, especially that scene when he'll have to cry. And you're coming with me!"

I love you. He almost said it. The way she was so happy about visiting her brother, even more happier that he was coming along made him want to tell her she was loved as much as she loved. The words stood on one leg, unbalanced, on the tip of his tongue - he was sure that if he opened his mouth, they'd tumble out uncontrollably.

So, he stuffed some of the cake into his mouth, wrote those three heavy words on one of his post-its and stuffed that into his pocket, exhaling heavily.

"Are you alright, Lance?" She was looking at him intensely and worriedly. All of a sudden all of his emotions were rushing towards him at the same time. His heart fluttered at the love that filled it. His heart ached for the love he had never confessed. His heart hurt at the thought that she might never love him back. His heart was anxious to know what she felt about him. His heart longed for her to love him.

With pain and love fighting for dominance in his fragile glass heart, he scribbled some words on another post-it for her and ran out of Starbucks.

With pain and love fighting for dominance in his fragile glass heart, he scribbled some words on another post-it for her and ran out of Starbucks

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The possibility of unrequited love has started to bang the door to Lance's heart. Will she ever love him back?

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