xvi. i told you to be balanced

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  ❄ For Ian, the writer who fanboyed❄ 

  ❄ For Ian, the writer who fanboyed❄ 

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He stuck another post-it onto the marble statue, before tearing it off throwing its crumpled state along with its fifty four predecessors into his backpack. While scribbling onto the fifty sixth one, a sleek black car slowed down in front of him. The passenger door opened to reveal Julia and he straightened himself subconsciously, placing his stack of notes down, and they waited until the car drove off.

She stiffened suddenly, blurting out, "Oh, shoot, that was my brother. I forgot to introduce you two again -", but she cut herself off when the car drove back and the window came down.

"I think you have selective memory, Jules." Dominico shook his head in mock disappointment and then turned to Lance. "Hi, Lance, I'm Dominico Hart. It's nice to meet you." He held a hand up.

Lance's eyes were wide. He was finally meeting his role model and it just had to be when he looked like an utter mess. He scrambled to his feet and tried to shoot a grin, but ended up laughing like a nervous idiot. "It's nice to meet you, too! I'm a big fan of yours."

"So I've been told by my lovely, forgetting sister." He chuckled. "You should come over sometime, I'm going to be at hers for the next week and then I'll be off to SA. I'm really looking forward to finally getting to know the post-it boy."

Is that how she had introduced him? He felt disappointed, but shrugged it off, blushing deeply.

"Haha, Dom, very funny. How many times have I told you not to call him post-it boy?" Julia stated, the question making Lance relax a little.

"I'm sorry, oh almighty Axel, I promise to call him Lance next time. I've got to go now, I didn't sleep properly last night. Actually, I didn't sleep at all. Bring him home soon, Jules! See you later!" And then the famous actor was off. After he left, the realization finally hit Lance and he began freaking out.

"Please don't tell me I just met the Dominico Hart." He said, pacing back and forth the statue.

"Actually, when he's in actor mode, we like to call him Nico." But, her comment had gone unnoticed.

"- and I behaved like a total fool. 'I'm a big fan of yours.' What's wrong with you, Lance? You're such an idiot. And you didn't even say anything after that! God, you have such hopeless social skills. Keep up, stupid, it's the 21st century!" He ranted, but halted when she gripped his shoulders and shook him.

"You'll get to talk to him again, Lance. Calm down, you can come over later today itself." She assured, then asked, "What've you been doing here? It's cold and you're outside."

He threw the current note aside. "I've been trying to write something strong to prevent the town council from replacing this statue. So far, it's not been going so well."

"They're replacing the statue?!" She burst, and his heart leaped at the fact that she felt his anger and hopelessness as well. "We can't let them do that."

"Yeah, but I don't know how to stop them." He sighed, dragging a hand down his face.

"You want to try something like the Chipko Movement? Hug the statue and refuse to let go until they promise not to remove it? Or - or we could threaten to break the replacement - no, let's steal it so they can't replace it. Or we could get Dom to influence them - no, wait, I want them to realize it means something to people around here." She spurted out ideas in a rushed manner, hands moving here and there in gestures.

He remained quiet. "Maybe you could write something for me?"

"It may be just a statue to you,
But it's a life carved into marble;
There was this boy, he was there
When you first began their lives
And he felt like his life had began there too,
He laughed with them, the girl and boy,
And he cried when they chipped;
He leaned on them in times of joy
And collapsed when his heart felt ripped,
This statue right here of a fall-loving boy
And the warmth of a winter-loving girl
Has been his everything,

Just like they have been each others,

Even at times When Winter Falls."

She recited after thinking for a few minutes with him holding onto her every word and he said, looking at her, "It's perfect." Just like you.

"We should go hand it to them, and explain it to them. We'll still do the Chipko Movement if they disagree. And we should mention my last name, just in case." She smiled.

And he never felt much happier, smiling back.  

And they're back! 

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And they're back! 

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