Chapter 4 Melody POV

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   It had been years since I saw my dad. I was already 22. I got out of the tree I had been sleeping in and looked at the robot that protects me from Cybermen. I had drawn a face on it to resemble an actual person rather than a smiley face.
   "Oh Silver Bullet what are we going to do", I asked the robot. It shrugged its shoulders. I had reprogrammed it to so that I could actually talk to someone.
   "Maybe you dad will come back today", Silver Bullet said in a monotone voice.
   "I highly doubt it", I said, "we have been saying that for 11 years. I don't think he is ever coming back." I let my brown hair fall in front of my face. I looked much more mature. I was taller and I had a sleek body. Then I heard a whooshing sound. One that I hadn't heard in years.
   "Oh Clara, we'll never find her", it was my dad.
   "Honey don't put yourself down like that", Clara said. Honey. She called him honey. Well when you are gone for 11 years I guess you miss a lot. Then I decided to confront them.
   "Come on Silver Bullet", I said to the robot.
   "Ok, Melody", Silver Bullet said. We walked out and my dad just stared at me.
   "How long has it been", he asked.
   "11 years", I said softly trying no to cry.
   "Why do you have a Raston Warrior Robot that actually looks like it has a human face", Clara asked.
   "This is Silver Bullet. I have reprogrammed it also. That way it acts more human so I can have some actual company", I sneered, "11 years can do a lot to a person."
   "I am so sorry, Melody", The Doctor said.
   "I have learned things. I have seen things. I have realized things", I said, "that I wouldn't have with out these 11 years of solitude."
   "Like what", Clara asked.
   "Like 11 years can drive you mad. Hoping every day that the person who has abandoned you will come back each and every day", I said, "I realized something else too. That I can't just rely on my dad to come to my rescue every time... I have to know how to take care of myself." My dad was speechless.
   "What do you mean by that", Clara asked, "what happened to you during those 11 years?"
   "My only company was a robot... No offense Silver.....", I said.
   "None taken", Silver Bullet said.
   "I was hunted down by werewolves and Minotaurs. I was chased by Cybermen and Daleks. So many things have tried to hurt me... Some actually succeeding...", I rolled up my sleeve and they saw all the cuts and scars and bruises. Then I turned my arm palm up revealing the sharpie marks.
   "And the silence", I added softly. I was about to breakdown. Then I saw something behind Clara.
   "CLARA BEHIND YOU", I shouted she turned around and saw the weeping angel that was 5 feet away from her.
   "Let's get out of here", she said. Then we ran for the TARDIS. I even brought Silver Bullet. We got in and took off. My dad was still in shock. I sat down and commanded Silver to sit. Silver obeyed my order. I stood up for a bit and walked down the hall. Then I stumbled upon my old room. Everything was where I left it. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I fell to the floor crying. Then there was a hand on my shoulder. I looked up with my tear stung eyes and saw my dad. He came down beside me and wrapped me in a hug.
   "Take me back, dad", I said softly, "take me back to the forest and pick me up earlier."
   "Ok", he said softly. We stood up and walked back up. He messed with the controls and we were off. When we'd got there he kissed me on the forehead.
   "I love you, dad", I said wrapping him in a hug.
   "I love you too, Melody", he said.
   "See you soon", then I left. Then I waited. Then I disappeared and time reversed itself causing me to be younger and not remember what happened. It had been only 5 months since my dad accidentally left me in the forest. I looked at Silver Bullet.
   "Maybe today", I said.
   "Maybe", Silver replied. Then there was  a familiar whooshing sound.
   "Melody", it was my dad.
   "Dad", I said as I ran over to him. He wrapped me in a hug.
   "Melody", he said softly hugging me.
   "I missed you", I said.
   "I missed you", he said then he turned to Silver Bullet, "thank you Silver Bullet for taking care of her."
   "How do you know Silver Bullet", I asked.
   "Long story", he said then the three of us walked into the TARDIS where Clara was waiting for us.
   "Honey", she said.
   "It was her idea", my dad said softly. Then I walked to my room and laid down in my bed. Tomorrow would be my 12 birthday and my dad didn't even know.

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