Melody is an 11 year old girl in an orphanage. She is a trouble maker so everyone calls her Melody Treble. No one knows who her parents are and no one wants her. Then she runs into the 11th Doctor. He is surprised that she resembles him a lot. He he...
I danced around the room singing. My long brown hair flying in the air as I danced away. My turquoise eyes shining. Out of nowhere Sarah, the meanest girl in the orphanage, appeared in front of me. I ran smack into her and fell to the floor. "Watch where you are going idiot", she sneered, "what are you even doing?" "I was umm", I started as I stood up. Then she pushed me back into the wall. "Next time watch what you are doing", she sneered, "stupid idiot." With that she left. I slid down to the floor and cried silently. I was always bullied by her. Every time she bullied me it hurt worse than the last. I cried silently until dinner. I went downstairs to get my dinner and Sarah tripped me on the stairs. I got up and punched her in the face. I had given her a bloody nose. She ran down stairs crying. Then I heard Ms. Umbridge, the woman who owned the orphanage and took care of us, she never liked me. "MELODY", she yelled up the stairs, "YOU WILL NOT GET TO EAT AT THE TABLE AND YOU HAVE TO SLEEP OUTSIDE! NOW GET SOME STUFF AND GET OUTSIDE!" I went upstairs and grabbed some clothes. I walked back downstairs and Ms. Umbridge glared at me. When I got outside, Sarah and her gang were waiting for me. I walked out and they came towards me. I dropped my clothes and ran. I ran for my life but there were too many of them. They split up so they could trap me. Then as I was looking back I ran straight into Sarah. "You are going to pay, you little twerp", she snarled. I was scared. Really scared. The last time someone messed with Sarah they were never heard from again. "Ooh look she's scared", Emily said from behind me. Emily was Sarah's best friend. "Leave me alone", I said with my voice wavering. "Oh we will leave you alone", Sarah sneered, "after we are finished with you." Then they jumped me. After awhile they left me on the ground in a puddle of my own blood. I was covered in blood. I was crying. Then I heard footsteps. "Please Sarah, j-just l-l-leave m-me alone", I said softly. Then the footsteps stopped in front of me. I squeezed my eyes closed waiting to be thrown around again. But then the person spoke. "I don't know who Sarah is", a male voice said, "but are you ok?" I opened my eyes and saw a man in front of me.
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"Who are you", I asked. "I'm the Doctor", he said helping me up, "now are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine...I better get back to the orphanage now", I said turning to leave. "You live in an orphanage", he asked. "Yes", I said. "Do you always get treated this way", he asked me. "Yeah, but it's no big deal", I said, "I am used to it." "It is a big deal", he said looking at me, "so I'm going to get you out of there." "Oh no it's fine really", I said. I knew that if I was late then I would get another beating. "No it's not", he said kneeling down putting his hands on my shoulders, "now let's get back and take care of things and you can come with me. You will never have to see that place again." "Ok", I said softly. I wanted to get out of there but no one ever wanted me. We walked back and I opened the door we walked in and Ms. Umbridge glared at me. "Melody", she snarled, "getting into trouble again are we?" "Actually, ma'am I would like to adopt her", the Doctor said, "go get your stuff Melody." "Her? Of all the children want her", Ms. Umbridge asked, "she is a trouble maker." "Yes I would like her", The Doctor said, "now can I please have the papers I need to sign?" "Very well", Ms. Umbridge said. I ran upstairs to get my stuff. I walked in my room and saw Sarah sitting on my bed. "Well, well, well", Sarah sneered, "someone is finally getting adopted. Girls." Then I was surrounded by Sarah's gang. "Get her", she said. Then I was tackled by her gang. Then one of the girls had a pocket knife. I was pushed into the pocket knife. I froze. Then all the girls looked in horror. They started screaming as I fell to the floor. Ms. Umbridge and The Doctor came running up the stairs. First The Doctor came in. All the girls were crying. When he saw me sprawled out on the floor bleeding with a pocket knife in my back he ran over. "Melody", he said softly. He rolled me over. I was still conscious. "Doctor", I said. Then I coughed and some blood trickles out of my mouth. "Hold on", he said, "stay with me." He picked me up and ran out. Then Ms. Umbridge grabbed my stuff and put them by the front door. The Doctor carried me to a blue police box. He opened the door and it was bigger on the inside. He laid me down on a chair sideways with my back to him. He pulled out a first aid kit and opened it. He knelt down and had one hand free and a cloth in the other. He pulled the blade from my back and pressed the cloth to the gaping hole in my back. I winced in pain. "I'm sorry", he said, "just try not to move around too much." Then he reached for something that he could use to keep the cloth on the open wound. Then when he was done. He stood up and put away the first aid kit. "Stay here while I go get your stuff"", he said as he walked out the door. I laid there on the chair and sighed. I was really bored. He never said I couldn't look around this place. I got up and walked around. Then I saw the entrance to a hall way. I walked to the hall way and looked around. Then I saw a door. I walked up to the door and opened it. Inside there was a huge swimming pool. I closed the door and kept walking. I walked to a different door and opened it. Inside was a huge library. Blimey! This place is huge! I continued my adventure and opened another door. I looked in and saw some kind of alien. It looked like a salt shaker.
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"We are the Daleks...", it said. I turned around forgetting to shut the door. Then I kept walking. Then I heard the doors open. "Melody", The Doctor called. "Coming", I yelled. "Ok", he yelled, "where are you?" "In the hall", I called. Then I started to run back. Then I ran straight into the dalek. "Exterminate", it said. I screamed. "Melody", The Doctor called. I could here him running towards me. The Dalek pointed it's shooter at me. "Exterminate", it said. I screamed. I pivoted on my heels turning around and I ran. "MELODY", The Doctor called again. Then I cut a corner. I hid and waited for the Dalek to pass. Then I ran straight for the library. I didn't see the Doctor so I opened the door to the library and hid behind a book shelf. I slid down and cried. I was scared. Really scared. Then I heard the Dalek outside the library. It came in and saw me hiding. "Exterminate", it said trying to shoot me. It missed and I screamed because it had almost hit me. Then there was a weird sound. "Extermin-", then it shut down. I saw The Doctor on the other side of the Dalek with something in his hand. There were tear stains on my cheeks. I ran over to The Doctor and wrapped my arms around him. He knelt down and I moved my arms to around his neck. I buried my face into his shoulder crying. He picked me up and carried me out. "Shhhhh. It's ok Melody. I've got ya. Your safe now. It's ok", he whispered into my ear. I felt so much safer around him. I cried myself to sleep in his arms. He carried me to a room and laid me down on a bed. Then he covered me up with the covers. Then he realized how much I resembled him. He stood there for a minute and then turned to leave but I grabbed his wrist. "Don't leave", I said softly, "please, I am scared." He looked at me and then sat down on the bed beside me. "Go to sleep, Melody", he said softly, "I will stay here." "Ok", I said with a small smile. Then I fell asleep.