Chapter 2 Melody POV

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I woke up and realized that I had been digging my nails into The Doctor's arm. I quickly let go and smiled apologetically.
"Sorry", I said.
"It is fine", he said.
"So what exactly is this place", I asked.
"It is the TARDIS", he said, "my time machine. I can travel anywhere in time and space in it."
"That's cool", I said.
"You know what else is cool", he asked.
"What", I asked.
"Bow ties and fezzes are cool", he said.
"You've got that right", I said laughing. I sat up and got out of the bed. My stuff was sitting at the end of the bed. He stood up and looked at me.
   "Well this can be your room now", he said.
   "Ok", I said. We walked out and to the controls. I walked through the hall behind him. I couldn't help by have the feeling that we were being watched. We got to the controls and he turned to me.
"What time and place do you want to go to first", he asked me. I thought for a minute.
"I don't know anywhere and anytime other than here and now", I said.
"Ok how about", he said thinking, "I know!" Then he did some stuff on the controls and we were off. I went to sit down and I saw the blood stain on the chair from yesterday.
"Here, do you have any cleaning stuff", I asked.
"Yes", he said. Then he ran off. He came back and I took the stuff from him and cleaned the stain. Then I sat down on another chair. Then after a bit he walked to the door and peeked out.
"We are here", he said.
"Where could we possibly be", I asked.
"Come here and you will see", he said. I walked over and he opened the doors and sat down at the edge. I looked out in awe.

   "That is beautiful", I managed to say

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"That is beautiful", I managed to say.
"I see this all the time but it never gets old", he said. Then I sat down beside him as the TARDIS stayed in its spot in the middle of space. Then I turn toward The Doctor. I wrap my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. He just smiled and returned the hug.
"You have no idea how happy I am to get away from that orphanage", I said to him.
"I can only imagine", he said. Then I let go of him and gazed out and into the beautiful view in front of us. Then The Doctor stood up.
"Well, we have to go pick up Clara", he said helping me up.
"Awwww", I whined, "but I don't want to go."
"Come on", he said, "Clara is actually pretty fun."
"Fine", I muttered as I took one last look at the view and I shut the doors. Then I sat down on a chair and we were off. Then after a few moments we had arrived. I opened the doors and we were in front of a school. Then a girl came out and ran to the TARDIS.

 Then a girl came out and ran to the TARDIS

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   "Clara", The Doctor exclaimed. Then she ran up and hugged him.
   "Doctor", I asked, "who is that?"
   "Oh right", he pulled away from Clara, "Clara, this is Melody. Melody, this is Clara Oswald...My impossible girl."
   "Oh my goodness", Clara exclaimed, "you two look a lot alike!"
   "Yeah, we kinda figured that out", I sad rubbing my arm, "we just don't know why." Then my sleeve went up a bit revealing all of the scars up and down my arm.
   "What happ-", Clara began to ask but The Doctor rescued me by cutting her off.
   "So where shall we go today", he asked. I gave a soft smile before looking down at the floor.
   "Hey, I am going to my room", I said after awkwardly standing there for a few minutes. The Doctor opened his mouth to say something but he shut it immediately. I walked down the hall and to my room. Then I had that feeling again like I was being watched. Then a shiver went down my spine. Something wasn't right. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. Then I looked at my stuff. I stood up and started putting stuff away. After awhile I was done. I stood back with my hands on my hips and admired my room with all of my stuff in its own place. Then there was a hand on my shoulder. It was cold. I stiffed and turned around. It was face to face with a Cyberman.
   "Upgrade in progress", it said. I had no way to escape. So I screamed as loud as I could. The Doctor and Clara came running.
   "Melody", The Doctor called, "what's wrong?"
   "Upgrade in progress", the Cyberman said again. Then The Doctor got there and saw me.
   "Melody", he said, "why are you screaming. He stood right where the Cyberman had been. I took a step back.
   "What's happening to me", I said, "I am seeing things.... I am hearing things....heck.... I am probably not even here..... Maybe this is all just a dream..... Maybe I am still on the street but I just went unconscious...."
   "Melody", The Doctor said getting on his knees and putting his hands on my shoulders, "pull yourself together. You are here. This is not a dream. You are far away from that rubbish place."
   "I-i- I think that something is not right..... I saw a Cyberman... I could feel it..... I could hear it....something is wrong with me", I said.
   "It is ok", he said, "there aren't any Cybermen here." Clara had been standing in the door way this whole time.
   "I figured it out", she said finally.
   "What", I asked.
   "You two look like father and daughter", she said. Then I realized it too. Then The Doctor realized it.
   "Does the name River Song ring a bell", he asked me.
   " does actually", I said, "I figured out who my mom was a couple years is just that no one can find her....I figured out that my mom's name was River Song.....why?"
   "Oh my goodness", Clara exclaimed, "Doctor, you have a daughter!"
   "Wait, I am confused", I said.
   "River Song is my wife", The Doctor said, "so that makes you my daughter."
   "Well it's good to know my dad will always be here for me", I said then I gave him a hug. Then tears of happiness trickled down my cheeks.

 Then tears of happiness trickled down my cheeks

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   I had never been so happy in my life. I looked back at Clara who just smiled at us.
   "I love you, dad", I said after awhile.
   "I love you too, Melody", he said.

Melody Treble: The Doctors DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now