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These thoughts and paths that fill the mind. The mind of many that holds the one. Or is it the one that holds the many? It can never be sure anymore for it is all such a jumble. The two that write. One their stories and one their poems. Two who used to refuse to open but now tend to spill what's inside to the strangers that they may never know. To give it all to people who they can't even see when someone reads or see their faces. Why tell them these thoughts that swirl so high and yet burrow so deeply? Simply for the feelings that seem to come with. The release that is felt. There is many paths we may go down and one of those paths never involved these writings. The ones we share to all who wish to see. How then were we to be helped? Even when we write our thoughts whether they be the stories or the poems we no longer want them locked away. We want to be able to share. Now we do. For both are helped with this small escape. Even now when these words are jumbled and don't quite make the sense that would be wished for, this is a release. Together we write and heal. Healing ourselves and all others we can. This is our small escape. Hopefully the ones reading this can find theirs too.

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