The Captain and The Lady Ch 1

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Hello guys! I've been addicted to reading Jordan fanfics and watching his videos lately. So I've been thinking of a fanfic of my own. I decided id write it all down... I hope you guys enjoy? Bye for now!

Chapter 1: The tweet that started it all

I opened the door to my third home, mmm Starbucks. I walked in and ordered just a venti iced coffee, nothing special. Sitting down at a table, I scroll through my twitter newsfeed on my phone.

Suddenly a loud cough comes the corner of the room. I look up to see none other than Jordan Maron aka Captainsparklez himself. I click the new tweet and quickly type; (A disturbing cough came from the corner of the Starbucks I'm sitting in, did it come from @Captainsparklez?). I hear the twitter bird tweet from his phone and he smiles then looks up and around for me.

He catches my eye then smiles some more. I politely smile then get up and walk to his table.
"Hey" he greets me.
"Well don't just sit there! I want a hug." I say.
"Oh! Sorry!" He laughs and then embraces me.

I sit down at his table and pull my beanie down. "I like it" he says pointing. "Thanks" I grin. ( "So what brings you to Santa Barbra?." He questions me. "I just came down here from Colorado, it was always my goal to move to Cali to settle down." He nods and says "Well where do ya live now?" I open my mouth to answer, "Actually in an apartment complex, it's about a 3
minute walk from here." "What's the name of it?" He asks. "Basote Yars" I answer. He grins, "I live right across the street from there!" "Sweet! Maybe I could come over sometime and play with ya?!" "Totally! Actually, hey wanna come over and hang for a bit?" "Sure, that'd be great" I nod. We get up and walk to the door, he holds it open for me. "M'lady" he says in a posh British accent. "Well thank you, my dear sir" He laughs and soon were on our way to his house.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed that! I'm not the best at writing so sorry if it's suckish? Anyways Peaceskies for now guys!

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