The captain and the lady Ch 2

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Hey guys with the helpfulness of my friend and my poor memory, I just decided to write the story until I can't think of anything else. Soo yea. Here's chapter 2.

Chapter 2: Jordan's House

I followed Jordan into his house and to his "headquarters" I'll call it. It was amazing, his set up was so clean and everything had a place. Whereas mine was so disorganized with food wrappers and crumbs everywhere. Hmm I should start taking better care of my stuff. My thoughts are disrupted by Jordan. "So watcha think?" "It's super nice!" His umbrella lights are set up in the corner of the room. My brain gets into gear and I soon have an idea. "Hey Jor?" He replies with a hum. "Can I film here today? I haven't set my lights up and I don't wanna bother with them right now, so could I?" He nods and I smile. "Thanks! I'm gonna go get my stuff alright?" He's bending down taking his oculus rift out of the drawer. He mumbles something incoherent so I took that as a yes and went to go get my stuff. Crossing the street wasn't pleasant, some old man blew my eardrums out with his horn. I politely flicked him off. Opening the door to my apartment building, I walked in, said Hello to the door man and then took the elevator up to my apartment. I bustled through my wardrobe to get my holiday clothing outfit for the video I was gonna film on my makeup channel. I placed it in the bag, I then took my makeup bag and added a few things to it and threw it in the bag as well. I zipped my bag then headed to my recording room. I took my tripod and folded it, then took my camera and put it in it's case. I skipped happily back to the elevator and hummed with the tune of the music. Making my way up Jordan's driveway, I quickly rescan his house. Gorgeous it is really, it's a super nice house. I let myself in knowing that I didn't lock the door going out. I called Jordan's name out. "In the same place" he laughed. Bounding up the stairs I burst into the headquarters. "Hi" I say out of breath. "I should really lay off the tacobell" I mumble under my breath. He simply laughed. Guess he musta heard me. "Well I'm just gonna set up." "Alright" he huffed. I turned to him questioning the huff. He was on his knees trying to untangle his computer cords from his other cords. "Here lemme help" I say. I get down and start untangling, my hand touches his and I could feel him staring at me. I quickly look up to find a blushing Jordan. He meets my eyes then nervously looks down. My lips curl into a small smile. My nimble fingers work at the wires and finally I have them untangled. Jordan really didn't do much after that touch. Heh. He looked at me and smiled, "Thanks". "Anytime" We both tried to stand up and ended up hitting our heads on his table. "Ouch" we both said simultaneously. "I guess it hurt you more since I have a beanie on" I say then laugh. He nodded and helped me up. "Thanks" I said. I shuffled to the corner of the room and took the stool and placed it in front of the lights. Unzipping my bag I take my camera and my tripod out. I unfold my tripod and put my camera in place. I take a makeup remover wipe and take all my makeup off. I press the record button on my camera. I see Jordan watching me intently as I'm about to speak.

"Hey guys! What is up! Today I'm going to be showing you guys a hair makeup and outfit perfect for the holidays! I hope you enjoy and without further adu lets get into the makeup!"

I pressed the record button again and the red light flickered off signaling it had stopped recording. Jordan is still eyeing me down. "Yes can I help you" I smirk. He shakes his head and I guess he's snapped from his daze. "Oh nothing!" He looks at his shoes. "I've never seen a girl do her makeup before that's all" He seems really interested in those shoes of his. I speak, "well haven't you ever seen your mother? Or were you to busy playing with your toy cars" I mock. He looks up and grins and nods. "What about your previous girlfriends? Ever seen them do their makeup before?" He shook his head no. "Well I guess today's your lucky Day" He chuckled slightly then leaned against the wall as I began recording again. "You can talk you know, I'm just gonna do a VoiceOver" The chuckle erupts again and he sighs. "How did you learn to do makeup Gen?" I hummed then answered "Watched my mother, also my sisters, youtube is what made me really good though." Jordan whistled then asked me what got me into gaming. "I would like to say my brothers, but since I have none" I giggled. "I'd like to say just in general youtube really. Youtube is a big community but somehow I stumbled upon Pewdiepie and then ChaoticMonki, then that led me to the creatures and that led me to many other gamers, including you." I could see him out of the corner of my eye blushing.

I clicked the record button again and started filming how to do the hair. Since my hair was already curled and I didn't bring any other tools to Jordan's house to do my hair. I just braid two pieces back. I bobby pinned them in place and then hit the button again. I then got up from the stool and grabbed my bag. "Bathroom?" I questioned. "Down the hall and to the left" I nodded and followed his instructions and sure enough I reached the bathroom. I changed into ( and then walked out.

Jordan was mid hallway when he saw me. He looked me up and down, then at my face, blushed then quickly walked back into the room. I walked to the headquarters and took my camera off the tripod. "Jordan, can you be my camera man?" "Yea sure" I handed him my camera and he pressed record. I was against the wall and twirled. I then showed my hair and pointed to my purse, shoes, then dress. Finally I blew a big kiss to the camera. I swore I just saw Jordan blush. I covered the camera lens and thanked Jordan. I went thru the footage again of what he filmed and said "Wow! You might have to be my cameraman more often, you're really good at it. You have a steady hand" He chuckled then said "Thanks, and your good at makeup, you may have to do mine sometime" he said jokingly. "I just might, you have some great cheekbones" I giggled as I brushed my hand across his cheeks. He turned very red and then looked down. I checked my phone; 4:30. "Ooo 4:30, I have to get home, thanks for everything today Jordan." "Anytime Gen! Come back soon?" "Maybe I'll bring over some food and we can watch movies together yeh?" He smiled and nodded. I sent him a wink and packed up my things. Walking to the door I yell, "BYE JOR" He peaks from the staircase, "Bye Genevieve" He says softly but loud enough for me to hear. I wave and tread down his driveway. 5 minutes past and I'm opening the door to my apartment. I drop my keys on the table and my bag on the couch. I walk to my room and fall on my bed.

What a day.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for it being super long?

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I hope you guys like this fanfic. Anyways bye for now! Toodlez!

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