pref. 54 » engagement!!

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{when I said Tyler's part would be continued this is what I mean.}

It was a nice fall day in Columbus, the leaves and cars hustling by you as you walked along the sidewalk hand in hand with your boyfriend of four years, Josh Dun.

Lately, he'd been treating you even better. He'd been talking sweeter, and he'd been acting sexier and more devoted. But why?

The bell of the coffee shop interrupted your thoughts.

You two ordered and started to walk around the city, ending up in the park by a beautiful oak tree with colored leaves.

Josh stopped, causing you to look back at him.

"Josh, sweetie? Are you okay?" Your voice filled with worry as you looked at him. You became even more worried when he didn't respond. "Josh?" He let go of your hand and bent down, setting his coffee on the grass and getting on one knee still holding your hand.

"Y/N, listen. I know this isn't the most aesthetic tumblr proposal I see you looking at, but I can't wait any longer. I've loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. You're everything I want in life. You're beautiful, talented, kind, selfless, passionate, and best of all, the girl I get to call mine. But can I officially call you mine...? Y/F/N... will you marry me?"

You covered your mouth and nodded, saying yes. Josh took a black box from his pocket and slid a beautiful ring on your finger. He got up and you jumped on him, wrapping your arms around him. Several people applauded in the background, making you even happier.

Now you're really and truly his.

A week after the dinner at the Joseph household, you and Tyler sat in a fancy restaurant looking at a menu.

Ever since that day, you were ready for a proposal. Sure, you doubted it would happen. But come on, Tyler doesn't say something like that and not go through with it.

You loved Tyler with your whole heart and soul, aching to be with him any chance you could.

It was a silent meal, but you could tell he was nervous about something.

After the meal and still no proposal, you started to lose hope that tonight would be the night. You and Tyler were now walking through a garden around the outside of the restaurant, locked hands and you leaning on his shoulder.

He stopped and nodded over to the garden to his right, housing your favorite flowers. You smiled and he bent down, picking one for you and looking at you.

His hands cupped your face as his eyes stared into yours. He took the flower he picked and put it behind your ear, pushing some hair from your face.

"God you're so perfect," you heard him mumble under his breath. His hands released from your face and suddenly Tyler did what you didn't expect to happen tonight.

He got down on one knee.

"Y/N, in all of my 28 years of life, I have never, ever, met a better girl for me. You complete me. Your jokes, your fearlessness... you in general. You know sometimes I may not be good with words, but I'm trying. Y/N, I love you unconditionally and it would be my honor to be called your husband, and for me to be able to call you mine. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You exclaimed, as he slid on the ring. He stood up, bringing tears to your eyes as he pulled you closer into a passionate kiss. "I love you so much, Tyler Joseph."

"And I love you more, Y/N Joseph."

okay I'm terrible at writing fluff


s t a y a l i v e
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