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Risty and Sten were packing up the last of their books for the day. Sten stretched and yawned, "Yay! A weekend free of homework. Not sure how we managed that but somehow we did. It is going to be so good to be able to sleep in and relax. Wanna do something this weekend? Hit the mall? Maybe see if we can go to the beach?" Sten tossed the last of his things in his bag and tossed it over his shoulder.

Risty tugged on one of her ear piercings, "Not sure how we managed it but have to agree. Frankly it makes me a bit concerned they are being nice this weekend. Next weekend they are going to drop something horrible on us." She tossed the last of her things in her bag as well, "Let me talk to mom and Dad before I say anything. The mall should be doable, not as sure about the beach." She had just received her riders certificate and her parents were being very cautious about how far she rode. The flyer they picked up for her wasn't top of the line or brand new but it was hers.

"Try not to be a pessimist Risty! For once simply enjoy the free weekend and not over think things." Sten glowered at her as he was talking. She wasn't a negative person but tended to over think things and worry and stress. He wasn't sure why she did that since her parents were pretty mellow and relaxed. If anyone should be worried about the future, it should be him. He had good parents but they tended to forget about things. There was a great deal of last minute 'crap forgot about...' around his house, "Let me know, I would like to do something other than sit around and veg. It is nice to do that as well but I want to do something." He hadn't been able to get his flyer certificate yet since his parents kept forgetting this or that needed.

"I'll try Sten, just, I know there is a major test coming up. I always worry about it." They were walking out of the classroom and after trading a few greetings headed towards where they flyers were stored. It had really shocked her when her parents had purchased the flyer for her. The certification was one thing but to have her own flyer? She had been floored when they presented it to her. It was a nice model but nothing spectacular. It wouldn't have mattered if it was the sportiest version she couldn't have used all the power.

As Sten was chatting about this or that she quickly reviewed the certification rules. The youngest you could get certified was 15 to control a flyer. Based on your age and experience the available power and slideways were dictated. Certain slideways were specifically for designated for low speed flyers and small vehicles. If your license didn't have the correct allowances, you were restricted. Since she had just received hers she was restricted to the low and slow but she didn't mind. This gave her freedom to do things without having to ask for a ride or taking public transport.

When they reached, the storage area for the flyer she inserted her license in the delivery slot. It only took a short time before it was delivered. She inserted the license in the handles and watched the unit unfold. If she had really thought about it the flyer would look like a folded-up treadmill minus the part you run on. The handle section rose to the upright position and the controller folded inwards from the uprights. She stepped on and activated the controls. It only took a moment for the diagnostics routine to process and the controls to activate.

While she was doing that Sten made sure their packs were strapped to one of the uprights. It wasn't allowed for them to have the bags on their back while riding. By the time he had the bags secured in the carriers the flyer was ready, "Ready to go? Wanna stop for a snack? I'm buying." He stepped on the back of the flyer and felt his shoes adhere to the deck and grabbed the passenger handles and again the grappling field secured his hands down so he wouldn't fall off.

"Ready buddy? Since you are buying, sure I'm good with that." Risty activated the lift motors and once they were the two feet off the ground she rolled on the throttle. Since they were on school grounds they were locked down to a minimal speed until they entered the slideways. Once they reached the one which headed towards where they lived she accelerated up to the maximum speed she was allowed.

Even with the grappler fields holding him in place he loved the feel of the movement. Risty knew he did and she would push the movement of the flyer. It was safe since it was all highly controlled and regulated. With the wind shield, it would be programmed to allow more or less wind to get to the riders. In heavy weather, you weren't allowed to ride them but that wasn't very often.

Both were grinning as they were flying down the slideway. Maybe in a few months they wouldn't be as excited but it had only been a few weeks since she had received the flyer, "Gotta love it." He called out to her. One nice thing about the helmets they were supposed to wear was the intercom and the HUD. The HUD showed the path they were on, upcoming exits, what they could use and more. For him it was fairly basic since he was simply a passenger. For her it showed a good deal more.

Risty laughed at his comment even as she came around another curve and slid up the side a bit. She could only move up the side some but it would give you a thrill. She enjoyed riding the flyers, she was careful when flying but had a great deal of fun. There were even parks you could go to and get trained to do acrobatics with it. For that you had to be at least sixteen and lots of experience flying them.

When they came around a curve near the food joint they always used both started screaming. In front of them was a bright disc of light. Risty tried to slow down to stop before the light but there wasn't enough room. They hit the light and felt a wrench.


When they could see again they screamed again since immediately in front of them was a heavy vehicle floating several meters above the road. Nothing else was noticed since it shouldn't be there on the light vehicle slideways.

Sten almost screamed before Risty did something. What it was he wasn't sure but somehow she dropped the flyer on it's side. It felt like she had done a power slide which took them under the vehicle with barely inches on either side. When she popped the flyer upright he found he was standing much closer to her. His chest and shoulders were pressed against her back and shoulders. His legs were pressed against her legs as well.

Risty wasn't sure what she did but suddenly they were flying while almost horizontal. When they slipped under the cargo hauler she felt him pressed firmly against her back and legs. It was a passing thought before she had to drop the flyer as a down ramp appeared almost underneath them. As they dropped down the steep ramp Sten did something which forced her to change the path around something. What it was she didn't know since they were going far faster than she should be able to.

When he noticed what looked like a fallen block of masonry he reacted though he wasn't sure why. He shoved one of his shoulders against hers. That was when he found his hands were now wrapped around her waist. He pushed with one hand and a hip as well moments before they flashed around it, again with only inches.

As they were shooting down the ramp she was looking forward and evaluating the path coming up. From the looks of it there was a flat place ahead if she could react well enough. When the down ramp became an up ramp, she shot up and almost straight into the air. When she had slowed enough she righted the flyer and felt it drop down alarmingly. That forced her to apply more lift which kept them from more than a slight jolt when they landed on the edge.

"What the hell was that Risty? What the hell happened?" He was still pressed against her back though it didn't matter at the moment. Right now, he was panting so hard it wasn't funny. What he was seeing around them wasn't impacting on them as of yet.

She was panting pretty hard as well though not quite as bad as he was, "No damn clue Sten, but how could this do that and where the hell are we?" She was looking out at the landscape and had no idea where they were at. Spread out in front of them was a mixed level of conditions.

Sten looked up and jerked at what he was seeing. They definitely weren't anywhere he recognized. It resembled it but wasn't home, "Oh fuck, I wanna go home.

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