Chapter 6- B.A. List

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Nothing around me looked familiar. Heck! I didn't look familiar. Who was this stranger roaming the streets, lost after intensely making out with someone at 1 in the morning in skimpy short shorts and a tank top.

The wind started to pick up and I felt chills rush through my body. I found a bench at an entrance to the forest's thick main of trees where I sat.

I pulled my legs up in criss cross applesauce, I closed my eyes and breathed. Inhale. Exhale.

I loved the confident new me. The thrill of walking through the hall, all eyes on you, a rush from a steamy flirt, praise after a snappy comeback. I could rock this, I was almost there.

I had a great opifony, shuffling through my small pockets I found a five dollar bill. Quickly I ran around the empty streets when finally I spotted a store.

I looked all over the store but I couldn't find any notebook or paper so I just grabbed a bar and a pen. After I paid I took the receipt and started my 'B.A. List' while returning to my bench next to the woods and unknown houses.

B.A. List.

• watch every high school movie ever made (check out skanks and sluts)

• change entire wardrobe

• get another piercing

• shave half of head

• get yourself a man

• loose virginity

• act like a bitch the whole time (;

When I finished I realized how much I wanted this. It seems like I wanted to be a slut but I don't, well kind of. I love sluts. Their confidence is like the size of their sex list. The way they walk and talk, people think they are stupid and against women rights and stuff but I find it so empowering and fun. Because they don't listen to anyone and do what they want which is powerful right?

"I know what I want..." I whispered in shock for the first time in a long time.

Yelling it into the nothingness "I know what I FUCKING want!"

But what was more important was where am I?


Hoodie's P.O.V.

I saw my phone light up on my bed next to all the food (I had the munchies). When I reached for it I saw it was a call from Joey.

"Hey what's up Josephine?"

"Hey, um... Hoodie, well Sunny wasn't answering and well... I didn't know who else to call but I'm kinda lost."

I started cracking up. I thought she would have been out fucking Harry somewhere but no, she was there alone.

"Stop! Its not funny!" she argued

"It kinda is." I pulled myself together and asked "Well what's around you?"

She told me about the convenience store and I knew where she was so I drove down there to get her.

After I arrived i saw her laying in lush green grass at the border of the forests entrance.

I walked towards her slowly, I laid down next to her.

Joey's P.O.V.

I saw him out of the corner of my vision lay down next to me. He was not staring at the stars like I was but he actually had his head tilted towards me. He was staring straight at me.

I turned my head slightly and looked back, I saw a small smile form on his lips. I thought he was being sweet so I smile back until he opened his mouth.

"You dumbass, I live right around the corner, I can literally see my house from here."

He turned to point at the mansion peaking over the other buildings. We both laughed and I slapped his shoulder.

"Well I'm sorry! This is my first time in this part of town."

"Its ok." He reaches and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear revealing my full face in the nights moonlight. We were currently both laying on our sides facing each other, in silence.

I closed my eyes and imagined him lean in and kiss me, instead I felt his radiating heat leave and when I opened my eyes he was standing and walking away.

"You comin' doll face?" he shouted back.

"Yeah." and then I mumbled under my breathe "asshole..."


Hoodie's P.O.V.

Our bodies parallel on the ground and our faces only inches apart.

Her eyes closed and my stomach flipped, did she want me to kiss her? Instead of actually thinking my actions through, I hastily stood and started walking back home.

"You comin' doll face?"

I heard her respond and then mumble something under her breath.

"Hey can I stay at your place tonight? I don't know where else to go."

She asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure, but don't think that I'm giving up my bed for you." I turned and smiled at her.

The moonlight put a spotlight on her face making her beauty glimmer, her slight laugh made her head whip up with a grand smile, one that people wrote songs about, one that people fall in love with.

"So what are you doing out here anyways?"

"It's kinda a long story..."

"Well I don't think your going anywhere for a while."

"Yes, but if I'm being truthful I don't think you want to hear it, it just puts everyone in an awkward situation and we don't need that."

Damn. She's so hot when she does that, she tries to pull one opinion an squish it into one intelligent statement. You can just see her brain running.

"Josephine! I think I can handle it!"

"I was at Harry's."

My back straightened but quickly I snapped out of it and tried to relax my tensed muscles. Why did that bug me?

She hesitantly continued her story. "And I said something, which I guess can stay unnamed. but he got pissed and threw me out."

I abruptly stopped and turned towards her. Anger an worry raged through me. "Why did he FUCKING leave you in the middle of the FUCKING night?!"

When I finished yelling I grabbed her and pulled her into my heated embrace.

"It was my fault."

She mumbled with her head in my chest.

"What did you say that got him so pissed?"I said as I released her from my tight grasp.

"I really shouldn't say."

"C'mon, it's me. Hoodie! Sir Hoodington! The ol' Hoodster! You can tell me whatever."

"I've actually only known you for like a week and part of that time you didn't even talk to me unless you were drunk or high, what was that about?"

"Ok! Hold up. No changing the subject!"

"Well I won't tell you what happened until you admit why you were mad at me?"

I looked down at my feet and was contemplating how to answer, I really needed to escape.

We were just arriving at my house when I spoke up. "Hey, um... I'm gonna go meet up with some friends. Wanna come?"

"Have I met them?"

"No, but I can promise nice people." I smiled and lifted my shoulders.


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