Chapter 8- The Kiss

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Hoodie's P.O.V.

Her hair hung over half of her face as she looked down towards her phone, I was mesmerized by her beauty. She looked up and blushed. Dammit! I was starring. I furrowed my brow and asked "Are you and Harry still a thing?"

"Well, I don't know. Right now, kind of no but" I cut her off and kissed her. My hands moved to the back of her head. It didn't take her long to kiss me back.

I felt fireworks flying, it was like a circus erupted, with lights and sounds and colors.

I lengthened my torso and reached to grab her hips, I tugged on her to climb onto my seat. Our lips still in contact she squatted on her seat and then moved over to mine on the drivers side she was now straddling me.

I started to lower my sucking kisses down her neck and towards her collar bones. She started to arch her back and right as a loud groan just barely escaped her lips the whole car screamed "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" She slammed her torso back onto mine and the car horn turned off.

I started laughing but she pushed off of me and jumped back in her seat. "What's wrong doll face?"

"You kissed me."she mumbled

"Ok, now that kiss was a group effort so don't go pointing fingers" I chuckled.

"But I liked it..." she mumbled to her self.


The ride home was silent. Finally once we got there she followed me inside.

"Uhh... so you can take the bed, I got the couch." I offered.

"No,no, you take your bed." she insisted but she must have been totally exhausted because as she was saying that she walked to my bed and laid down.

I softly chuckled at her and grabbed a blanket and snuggled onto the couch.

Not 5 minutes later I hear a quiet mumble come from my bed.

"Ya need somethin' Josephine?" I asked.


I heard her call.


"I'm cold" she complained.

I chuckled softly again and stood up grabbing her a blanket. I leaned down and I was laying the blanket on her, for some reason I leant down and kissed her forehead. I don't know what overcame me but as I did so her arm came up and wrapped around my neck.

She mumbled something else and twisted her arm over on her other side and in attempt not to wake her anymore I slipped under her going with the pull of my head. She was now cuddled on my chest with one arm wrapped around my neck still.

After multiple attempts of pulling her off, I decided just to sleep there.

Her body was curled into a small ball half on my chest but her arm was wrapped around my neck so the only way I could settle in comfortable was pulling my arms around her and staying tight so she wouldn't be strangling me.

We both quickly faded away.


Joeys P.O.V

When I woke up I felt a somewhat hard surface under half my body. Once I analyzed the situation I realized I was cuddled very close to none other than the one and only Steve Markowitz A.K.A Hoodie.

I saw him turn his head and slowly open his eyes so I shut mine fast pretending I was still asleep.

I felt his body pull away from me when I realized I lay alone in the cold empty bed. After a couple minutes I opened my eyes and saw Hoodie on the couch he was supposed to spend the night on but didn't.

My heart sank.

That quickly went off my mind when I realized I had school. I jumped up fast an started racing around the room not knowing what to do.

"Hoodie! Wake up!"

I shouted at him.

"What?" he groggily slipped out.

"We have school! We're probably already super late! What time is it?"

"I don't know!" hoodie


"And for a matter of fact I don't care either, we're already late might as well just skip."

"No! Now get up and drive me to school you lazy ass!" I snapped at him.

He just looked at me with wide eyes from my outburst but then he started to chuckle.

"Fine but give me 5 minutes. Go down stairs and get some breakfast"

"Thank you."

I stuck my chin up and marched out.

After I got downstairs I stepped around the corner to the kitchen and in the kitchen was a middle aged bigger woman making what seemed to be bacon.

"Good morning sir!" she cheerily spoke. When she looked up her face was surprised.

"Oh I'm sorry miss I thought you were Mr. Markowitz."

"No, no it's fine" I smiled at her and offered her my hand.

"I'm Joey, Steve's friend."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Joey. Would you like some bacon before school?"

"Why thank you."

I sat down at the counter and ate the bacon placed in front of me.

"So what's Hoodie's deal?" I asked the maid.

"I don't understand."

"Like what's he like, what's your opinion on him?"

"Oh, that's not my place to talk."

"It's okay I won't tell anyone." I said with encouragement

"Well it's just that he is what some might call a... uh.. ladies man. Coming an going with all these girls. You'd need a lot of heart to trust him, so just be careful."

"Thank you." I smiled to her although I was slightly broken inside, I guess I wanted Hoodie to "be mine".

A couple minutes later Hoodie came down "Ya' ready?"

"Yup" I responded jumping off my stool and following him to his car.

It was a quiet ride to the school.

Once we got there I hoped for something, a sign of recognition of how we made out and slept together (not in the sex way) but all I got was a nod of "bye" as he walked away from the car.

I wasn't sure if that kiss last night meant anything to him, I don't even know if he was sober enough to remember it and waking up in the same bed! I realized I needed to talk to Sunny.


I spotted her sitting with the guys at lunch, she was cuddled closely with Gus.

I didn't want to communicate with hoodie or Harry right now so I swept in like a hawk.

Head down, swift movements and grabbed my prey (Sunny) by the arm and pulled her quickly away.

"Ow! what was that for?" she shrieked

"Soooo much shit has happened!!! I need to talk to you!"

"Girl are you okay?" sunny reached both her arms out and grabbed my shoulders, she could tell I was upset.

I felt the tears slowly brim at my eyes forcing exit but I was trying my best to hold them down. I know I'm an emotional person.

Sunny then was the one to pull me into the girls bathroom, she hugged me as I released the tears onto the shoulder of her shirt.

"What happened!?"

"I almost slept with Harry but then I said hoodie's name and he kicked me out, then i got lost and hoodie found me so we went and got high with his friends and he kissed me after but i don't know if he remembers it and then somehow I woke up and we were intertwined on his bed and his maid said he was a man whoar!" I rushed out with a loud screech and flow of tears at the end.

"Oh girl... I'm sorry I wasn't there" she patted my back and comforted me.

"I don't even know if I like hoodie or Harry! I KNOW neither of them want me anymore!"

"Babe that's not right, they just don't know they want you" she got that mischievous smile on her face and I got nervous.

"Wha-aaht are u thinking about?" I asked nervously.

"Just keep your head down for the day and then come over after school, I got an idea."

She leaned in and winked at me.


Hey I know I don't usually do A/Ns but I just want to say I know the story sucks but if you keep I promise it will get better.... hopefully. Oh well! but please please please show me you are reading it! Comment, like it or something! just once even! (: k thanks, have a nice day.

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