Chapter 2

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Shout-out to harleenhollow for the cover

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Shout-out to harleenhollow for the cover. :)

Chapter 2

       I was working on some of my homework before I had to go start my shift at the cafe. I really couldn't wait until I was out of high school and didn't have to do homework. Didn't teachers know that we had a life outside of school?

       Xavier was kneeling by the coffee table, playing with a stack of building blocks. He suddenly jumped up and ran across the living room where my guitar was. "Daddy!" he said and I looked over, seeing him pointing to my guitar. "Play!"

       I sighed and looked back at my homework. "Not now," I said. "Later, okay?"

       Xavier ran over to me and continuously patted my leg. "Please?" he asked, looking at me with those big, beady eyes.

       Xavier absolutely loved it when I sang or played any instrument, especially my guitar. Music has been a huge part of my life and I was glad Xavier had my love for music.

       If only he would let me do my homework instead of wanting me to play the guitar.

       Xavier wouldn't stop saying, "Please?" so I sighed and put my homework on the coffee table.

       "Alright, fine," I said. He was so lucky I needed a break from the homework anyway.

       I walked to my guitar stand and picked my guitar up, placing the strap on my shoulder and sitting back down on the couch. I decided too, of course, sing Xavier's favorite song and since it was up beat, I soon found both me and Xavier dancing around while I sang and played the guitar.

       "Hudson," I heard Mom say behind me when I finished my song. 

       I turned around, seeing Nova standing beside her. "Hey," I said. "What are you doing here?"

       "You could be more polite about it," Mom said.

       "I said hey," I pointed out.

       "I'm just kidding," Mom said before looking at Xavier. "You want to go get a snack in the kitchen?"

       "Okay!" Xavier said before running to the kitchen, and Mom followed him in there.

       I looked at Nova again. "I thought we were going to meet at the cafe."

       "We are," Nova said. "I just forgot my sweater here yesterday and I wanted to pick it up before I forget about it, and I don't have your number yet."

       "Is that 'yet' a hint to get my number?" I asked.

       "Well, that would help with our project, yes," she said.

       "Well then, I will get your sweater first," I said. "Where did you leave it?"

       "I think in the kitchen," she said, so after putting my guitar back, I walked in there, but I didn't see Nova's sweater at all. And then I remembered that she wasn't even wearing a sweater yesterday. Don't ask me how I remembered that. I just did.

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