Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

       I really didn't want to go back in court yet again. I just wanted all of this to be done and over with and for Jolie to be charged with the evident crime she committed.

       What other proof did the court need? The police and paramedics went to her house and had to break down the door. There was photographic proof she was out partying the time Xavier was in her care. What else did they need?

       Xavier was supposed to go to Nova's house again but he ended up coming down with a cold and whenever he did, he was very clingy to me and didn't want to be away from me.

       I tried getting Xavier to stay with Nova and even drove there but he had a huge meltdown so I guessed I had to take him to court with me. Mom said it was, thankfully, allowed. I just had to take him out of the courtroom if he was ever being distracting.

       I would just rather not bring him so Jolie wouldn't have the satisfaction of seeing him after everything she had done. If Nova wasn't scrolling through all the pictures of the party Jolie was at, we wouldn't have gotten to Xavier in time and there was a huge chance he wouldn't be here right now.

       I could have lost my son; the person who meant the world to me.

       As soon as we got to the courthouse, Xavier was already asleep in the backseat. Knowing him, he was probably going to stay asleep the whole time so at least that helped.

       Xavier woke up for a few seconds while I was taking him out of his car seat and once he noticed I was holding him, he snuggled into me and went back to sleep.

       I really hoped he actually did stay asleep. If he saw Jolie, he was only going to freak out and I didn't blame him.

       When the trial began, Jolie's lies once again began. I was getting so tired of hearing her lies; hearing her trying to make me seem like the bad guy in this situation just because she wasn't a good mom.

       There was nothing wrong with her not being ready to be a mom. I wasn't ready to be a dad but I tried. She just handled this whole thing all wrong. All she had to tell me was she wasn't ready and didn't think she could raise Xavier, no matter how hard she tried. I wouldn't have been mad at all.

       She didn't communicate with me at all. She just left. That was what caused the mess.

       All of this could have been avoided if she told me she really didn't think she could raise Xavier.

       After Jolie spewed lie after lie, I was called to the stand by Jolie's lawyer to probably do what happened last time; try to make me look like the bad guy.

       I had to carefully hand Xavier over to Mom so he wouldn't wake up. He stirred a bit but he stayed asleep so I stood up and walked over to the stand. This time, Jolie's lawyer answered the most random questions, trying so hard to find something that would make me seem like I wasn't fit to be a father or I was lying about this whole thing.

       Was part of me afraid Jolie would win the trial? Of course. But since I had nothing to hide, I looked the lawyer straight in the eyes and told her the truth to everything.

       I was finally done my part and was able to sit back in my seat. Once I did, Mom gave me Xavier again, knowing that even though he was asleep, he would probably be able to sense that I wasn't the one holding him and he would wake up again.

       Unfortunately, when Jolie was being question by the lawyer fighting against Jolie, Xavier woke up. I was hoping he would just continue snuggling with me but he didn't. He looked around the room, trying to figure out this strange place he was in.

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