Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       Mom went to go check the mail and when she came back, she handed me an envelope. "What is it?" I asked.

       "I don't know," she said. "Open it to find out."

       I opened the envelope and carefully took the paper out. I unfolded it and as soon as I started reading it, I felt my heart starting to drop. When I finished reading it, I looked at Mom. "I have to go to court," I said. "Jolie's actually going through with trying to get custody of Xavier."

       "Wait, seriously?" Mom asked, so I handed her the letter. "Okay, this shouldn't be too bad. It's not like they're going to grant her full custody of Xavier."

       "I know," I said. "But how am I going to explain to him what's happening? He never wondered about his mom, and Jolie might be given time to see him."

       "I think you'll have to try explaining to him the best you can," Mom said. "Well, as best as you can to a three year old."

       "Yeah, you're right," I said before walking to office where Xavier was coloring on a piece of paper. "Hey, Xavier, Daddy needs to talk to you."

       "'Kay," Xavier said, putting his crayon down and looking at me.

       I sat down beside Xavier and he looked up at me. "So, you know how I have a mommy?" I asked.

       Xavier nodded. "Grandma your mommy."

       "Yes, Grandma is my mommy," I said. "Well, you have a mommy too."


       "What? No," I said. "No, Nova's not your mommy. Your mommy's name is Jolie and....she might want to see you sometime soon."

       Xavier stared at me for a bit before going back to coloring on his paper without a single word.

       "Xavier, what's wrong?" I asked.

       "I no want to see Mommy," Xavier said. "I want to stay with Daddy."

       "I know," I said, holding my arms out. Xavier ran into my arms and I hugged him tightly. "You'll still be staying with me. I won't let you go anywhere, okay?"

       "Okay, Daddy," Xavier said.

       "Do you want to go to the beach?" I asked.

       "Okay! And Nova!"

       I smiled and chuckled. "Sure, I'll see if she wants to come."


       Xavier went to go attempt to put his shoes on, but he could never do, and in the meantime, I called Nova to see if she wanted to come and she did. I went to go help Xavier put his shoes on, then I put on mine before grabbing my wallet, phone, and keys and heading out.

       After getting Xavier into his car seat, I got into the driver's seat then drove to Nova's house. She was already waiting outside for me so once I pulled into the driveway, so got into the passenger seat.

       "Hi, Nova!" Xavier said as soon as soon as she was in the passenger seat.

       Nova turned around in her seat and gave Xavier a smile. "Hi, Xavier."

       "He's the one that wanted you to come to the beach," I said.

       "Aww, so you didn't want me to come?" Nova asked. "I guess I know who likes me the most out of you two."

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