Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       I was really not looking forward to the weekend where Xavier was going to have to stay with Jolie. I was not ready for that and I knew Xavier wasn't going to be ready for that either. He didn't even remember when his mom was ever in his life, and it was so hard for him to be around people he didn't know. We couldn't even get a babysitter without him crying for two hours because he wanted to stay with either me or Mom.

       It was a parent-teacher conference at my school today, my very last one thankfully. It was getting very annoying for me to have my teachers tell Mom the same things every time. "Oh, Hudson is one of the smartest students this year, but he's always sleeping during class and that's lowering his participation mark."

       Then take away the participation mark. Seriously, there was no point of having one if I got my homework done on time and did well in classes.

       I was really worried about going this time around though. For all the other ones, it was always when Xavier was supposed to go down for a nap and he fell asleep on the way to the school so we let him nap in the stroller, but this time, he napped beforehand. I was really worried someone would find out Xavier is actually my son and not my little brother.

       If my teachers found out, I really wouldn't care because they weren't interested in gossip at all and it was my private life, so it wasn't like they would be like high school students and spread it around.

       But if any other student found out....

       As soon as we got to the school, we headed to the gym where tables were set up for each teacher. It was always better than wandering around the school.

       Not even five seconds after we got into the gym, Xavier spotted Nova and her parents. "Nova, Nova, Nova!" he said, letting go of my hand before running over to her and wrapping his arms around her legs. "Hi!"

       I sighed and walked over with Mom following. "Xavier, you're not supposed to run off like that," I said.

       "Sorry," Xavier said before holding his arms out towards me. "Up!"

       I picked him up as Nova said, "It's not my fault he loves me more than you."

       "Ha ha," I said sarcastically. 

       "Oh, by the way, I would be careful when talking to Mrs. Lancaster," Nova said. "I think something crawled up her pants and died."

       "Nova," her mom said in a warning voice.

       "What?" Nova asked. "She was in a really bad mood."

       "Probably because she had to talk about you," Nova's dad said.


       "I'm kidding. Kind of."

       "Thanks," Nova said sarcastically.

       I looked at Mom. "Can we go to Mrs. Lancaster first? She's the closest to us anyway."

       "Sure," Mom said.

       "Bye, Nova!" Xavier said happily.

       Nova smiled back. "Bye, Xavier. I'll see you soon."

       While we were walking to Mrs. Lancaster's table, Mom said, "See? Xavier loves Nova. That's a good sign."

       "Mom, we're not talking about this now," I said.

        "So what I'm hearing is later?" Mom asked.

        "No," I said. "Not now. Not ever."

        "You will want to talk about it soon," Mom said, which made me sigh. She knew I really liked Nova, but I wasn't looking for a relationship right now, not when I had to give Xavier all of my attention.

       Nobody else was at Mrs. Lancaster's table, thankfully. I didn't want to wait in line for her to finish talking to other parents. After Mom and my teacher introduced themselves to each other, we sat down at the chairs across from her.

       I took out my phone and got a coloring app out for Xavier to distract himself with as he sat on my lap.

       "So, first off, Hudson is a very bright student," Mrs. Lancaster said. "One of the smartest I've ever had this year. For the most recent project they had to do, him and his partner got the highest grade in the class; a ninety-four. No other pairs reached the ninety percent mark."

       "Good job, Hudson," Mom said. "I'm very proud of you."

       "Thanks," I said.

       "But, he does have low participation marks because he's normally sleeping in class," Mrs. Lancaster continued. "It isn't affecting his grade too much, but he could have a much higher mark if he paid attention in class more."

       Mom sighed. "Yes, I know. Hudson does have a hard time sleeping most nights."

       "Yeah, I really try, but it's hard," I said.

       "Oh," Mrs. Lancaster said. "Is there a medical reason towards it I should know about?"

       "No," I said. "It's--"

       I was cut off when Xavier held out my phone towards me. "Daddy, look. A dragon. Meow!"

       Of course. I knew this was going to come.

       "Xavier, dragons don't say meow," I said.

       "I know," Xavier said. "They say rawr! I draw kitty!" He then erased the dragon to start drawing a cat.

       "That's your son?" Mrs. Lancaster asked.

       "Yeah," I said. "Most nights I end up having to take care of him when he wakes up and can't go back to sleep, which is why I'm usually sleeping in class."

       "Oh," she said. "I guess that makes sense. You know, you could have told me earlier about it so I wouldn't think you were just bored and didn't want to listen to the lesson."

       "I know," I said. "I didn't really want anyone to know because of things that happened shortly after he was born. I do try getting enough sleep, but it's hard at times."

       "I understand," Mrs. Lancaster said. "I am a mother, but it must be a bit more difficult since you're still in high school. Here's what I'll do. If you understand what's happening by the end of each class when you fall asleep, I won't take any marks off for participation."

       "Okay, thank you," I said.



(and the guy im going to have be rhys/zayden has a crush on richelle and it will be so awkward for me to watch since richelle is played by briar who is mae save me lol)(as some of you know from my snapchat)(i need saving lol)

And now here's a gif of Hudson and Nova to make me feel better:

I miss this show and I'm sad it didn't get a second season because Zander and Stevie for life

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I miss this show and I'm sad it didn't get a second season because Zander and Stevie for life. <3

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