
22 2 5

Didn't you say, "Try your best and forget

 "the rest?"

Well I didn't realize there was an 


I didn't realize you cared more about 

"the rest"

So here I am telling you 

that I tried my 

best and I forgot 

the rest.

But you sit next to me

staring at the TV and tell me 


You sit next to me

 staring at the TV and tell me I shouldn't 


And then there's the 


And the more you say unless the more I 


The more I need to care about 

"the rest"

The more you make me care about

 "the rest"'

Because "I tried" isn't good enough when there's


Because "forgetting 

the rest"

 isn't good enough when there's 


Because "Try your best and forget 

the rest" doesn't really matter when there's 


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