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"I'm so nervous" you say looking at your boyfriend. "What if I say something wrong or do something that people don't like? Or.." your cut off when your boyfriend holds both your hands running his thumb over it. Looking at you he says "you will do just fine Y/N. Everyone is going to love you but of course not more than I will". You shake your head kissing his cheek in thanks.

"Alright can everyone sit in their groups the filming is about to begin" a man yells to everyone. You and Dawon split sitting with your group when the host announces "Hello everyone and welcome!! Give a warm welcome for two of our latest rookie groups to enter the music industry". You all wave to the camera smiling wide.


After introductions and small interviews, the host askes each person to do a mission. When it hits Dawons turn the host announces "Okay Dawon, your mission requires the help of a special someone". He looks towards you and your eyes widen nervous. The host laughs at your expressions as he teases you saying "there's nothing to be afraid of Y/N, you trust your boyfriend right? ". You smile and nod your head.

"Dawon and Y/N are going to choose clothes for each other to wear and we have to see whether they can somehow match" he says looking at the camera. You cover your face laughing as you smile at Dawon, he throws a wink back at you making you blush.

"Alright lovebirds head on back and we will see you two in a bit" the host tells the two of you and you both walk off the set. You get separated pretty quickly and are suddenly placed in front of a rack of clothes. Standing there undecided you mumble to your self "what would Dawon choose?". Grabbing some clothes you put it in the empty rack next to it and walk out the room.

A lady shows you to the room that you will be getting changed in. Entering you look for the clothes Dawon chose and are shocked at what you find. Holding up a big puffy jacket you shake your head and look at the rack full of clothes he had chosen. "How am I suppose to wear everything?" You ask yourself. You should of known to expect the unexpected when it comes to your boyfriend.


The host turns to the two groups as he smiles and says "now let's welcome back Dawon" pointing off set. Dawon walks back onto the set wearing some jeans and a shirt and jacket, clothes he would normally wear. "Looking good Dawon, your girlfriend chose well" the host comments. He grins nodding in agreement.

Clapping his hands the host then says "and now let's welcome back Y/N". You slowly make your way over looking like a giant marshmallow with the layers of clothes you have on. Your group covers their mouth with their hand shocked and SF9 burst out in laughter. The host sits there in shock while Dawon smiles proudly. You glare at your boyfriend as you say "really Dawon?".

The host struggles to find the right words before finally saying "um Dawon, what was your thinking process when you chose this..uh outfit?". Everyone turns to Dawon curious as he laughs saying "well these clothes hide my lovely girlfriends body from the rest of the world".

Everyone aws at that and you can't help but smile at his reason. "The downside to this for you then oppa is that I would kiss you but I literally can't even lean up right now" you say laughing at him. Dawons mouth forms an o before he asks the host if you can both change back. Getting the nod of approval, Dawon grabs hold of your hand and helps the both of you off.


Once you were back in your more comfortable clothes you went looking for your goofball boyfriend. Finding him wondering down the hall you say "Hey there handsome". He turns smiling at you before quickly making his way over. You giggle at him before he cups your face kissing you hard. Moving your hands onto his chest you trace circles lightly as you kiss him back too. Someone clears their throat and you both jump apart turning to the source. You find a lady looking ad she laughs and says "your both needed back on set".

You bow and nod quickly making your way back but Dawon stops you before you can enter. Looking to him confused he replies "just wanted you to know that you look amazing in anything jagi" his eyes running down and up your body. You blush pushing him slightly before you both head back, he laughs but wraps his arm round your shoulder drawing you close to him as he places a kiss on your head.

----THE END----

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