two | forgiveness

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f o r g i v e n e s s

"After a heartbreak,
I always wonder."

"About what?"

"When will I be okay?
When will I forget
about this feeling
and be okay, act
like the usual me?"

"Memories isn't something
that you can forget easily.
You will remember it,
and sometimes it feels
like your heart stings
just by remembering
the memories,
sometimes it feels
like there's tears
vibrating behind
your eyes, sometimes
it feels like it's so
weird to be happy
because you think
you should be sad.
Heartbreak won't
heal in an instant;
it needs time.
This is reality, not a
movie or novels which
the character has a
climax scene which shows
that he/she can get
over his/her heartbreak.
And no, heartbreak
won't heal just by
announcing to everyone
that you're already
feel okay.
Heartbreak will heal
little by little.
You won't forget it,
but someday, you can see
your heartbreak in
a different percepective.
It takes time to be okay,
because it heals little
by little. So don't ask
'when will I be okay?'.
Because you will be
okay even without
you noticing it."

"What do I need to
do to get over it?"

"Accept it, forgive it,
and make a peace
with yourself. Again,
heartbreak is not
something easy to
heal. It needs time
and patience and

"To accept that
everything between me
and him is over
was pointless.
We have nothing
to begin with."

"Not 'we have something',
but only you.
You have something
for him since the
Accept the fact that
he didn't appreciate
what you feel about
him. Accept the fact
that you still
have the 'what if'
scenarios in your
head where you and
him could be together.
And then accept
the fact that your
'what if' scenarios
is just a mere illusion,
will never be a reality,
and everything between
you and him is
already over."

"'s hurt. It's hurt to
accept that every hope
I have about him
is over. It's hurt to
see him with
another girl. It's hurt to
know that the girl
suits him really well,
like they are a match
made from heaven.
It's hurt to remember
every memories I
have about him,
like he's in every
corner of the room
wherever I looked
at something,
then act like
it's nothing."

"It is. It will hurt.
But feeling hurt
itself is a part of the
healing process.
Because to heal
a broken heart
sometimes feels like
healing some scars.
There's itch when
you pour an alcohol
on your scars to make
your skin aseptic
before pouring the
medicine. You will feel
hurt in the process
because of the alcohol,
but you need the alcohol
before you pour the medicine.
Feeling hurt is a part of the heartbreak healing.
You will remember
many memories then
accept that you were
happy because of him,
but you should also
accept the fact that
anything between
you and him is over.
Accept the fact that
you still think about
him every night, or
any time you get
the chance. Accept the
fact that you still miss
him and think the
'what if' situation where
you and him could be
together. Accept the fact
that you still want to
cry for him.
And accept the fact
that you still have
feelings for him
deep down in
your heart."

"...after that?"

"Make a time for
crying and let it all out.
Don't think about how
stupid you are if you
still crying for him.
Just cry if you want to.
Let it all out. Accept
that everything between
you and him is already
over, and it's okay."

"I feel so stupid."

"It's okay to feel stupid
But you need to forgive
Forgive your past self
who had acted
stupid, and then you
can move forward."


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