A...Odd meeting...

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(Beast boy)

At a mid night club. The one and only party animal Beast boy was dancing in the middle of the room, the loud club banging music, People could hear it from mile's away. He had a tears coming from his eye's as he was dancing. Recently he lost a friend. Tim Drake. He was very depressed. Tim was a great friend to him and Beast boy really admired him and for the boy wonder to just DIE! it was a little too much for him. So he dealt with the pain the only way he knew how...partying.

"What is that?" A girl said to her friend. "I don't know!?!? Is that green skin? Ew!!" The other girl said back to her friend. Beast boy heard the two and frowned.

[Beast boy's p.o.v]

Man! Can't a dude just party without being criticized? Ugh! And Tim being dead doesn't really help how I feel! Buttt on the bright side. Those girls are kinda cute! Time to make my move!!~~~~Beast boy smiled. Walking to the two lovely ladies that were terrified of him.

"Hey moma! Would you like to dance!!?" He said, extending his hand to either one of the ladies.
One of the girls step back with fear in her eyes. And the other shook her head no. Looking around for her boyfriend.

[Beast boy's p.o.v]
I guess that's a no? Awww! I hate looking like this! I suppose I could go for a walk. I sighed, putting my hands in my pocket. But a sharp pain came to my neck. "Ahh!!! What the!??" I yelled in pain. Then my eyes started to fade. Seeing darkness take over. I fell to my knees and my eyes finally shut. But I heard a kid voices. Before I completely passed out.


Starfire was traveling across the world looking for her sister Blackfire, Her sister double crossed her once again, But this time; Blackfire stole something very precious to her. . . . SILKY!

Starfire landed on a near by beach where there were many civilians around. Why would she stop here? It was the smell. A familiar smell. . .Silky's smell~ "Dear sister! Please return Silky to me! Please?" She shouted. Hoping to get an answer.

A few boy's on the beach had no idea what she was talking about and they didn't care; They were really admiring her her rocking body. All of a sudden a kid ran up and handed Starfire a cupcake. The princess was shocked to see a kid offering her something to eat. Smiling, Kori politely took the treat from his hand's. "Thank you! Little boy, this is much appreciated!" She smiled wider, Taking a big bite out of the chocolate cupcake. "Mmm!! This is most delicious! Once again! Th...T....than...I don't..feel....so good..." She fell onto the sand unconscious...With a kid smiling over her.

(Kid Flash)

The Flash and Kid Flash was running around town looking for Captain Cold. Because he robbed a bank. Not just one bank. But four! So they had to get the money back! But Barry was a little nervous, Because his new sidekick Wally, Just became Kid Flash, and he could barely control his powers...Let's just say Wally was still in training.

"You sure you can keep up with me? Kid." Barry asked with a slight smile, running by his side. "Of course, Flash! I'm right beside you!" His sidekick responded. But unfortunately tripped over a rock. Falling hard on his face. Barry stop and gasped before he ran over to his aid. "You okay!? Kid!" Wiping the blood from his nose, Wally held his face for a brief moment before speaking.
"Y-Yeah..Hey! There's Captain cold!! Go get him! I'll be behind you shortly!!" Wally demanded holding his face. Barry nodded and left. He knew it was wrong to leave him. But Wally is a big kid and can take care of himself.... He hoped.

[Wally's p.o.v~~]

Ouch! Ouch! This hurts so bad!! Ugh...Am I slowing him down? I'm probably slowing him down...He was doing just fine before he met me. Maybe it's best I'd disappear. Maybe... What am I thinking? I need to go help him!!

When I tried to get up. A sharp pain came to my hand. "What the hell!?" I yelled in agony. Is this a dart? I asked myself as I drifted to sleep.


Walking down the street at 4am Raven had earphones in her ears. Listening to heavy metal. She finally reached her destination with her music practically blasting. An old Museum was her destination but the doors were locked. This only put a smirk on her lip while she cast her famous spell~ making her own way inside by making a black hole, She walked threw it and she was on the other side of the door.

"Now..Where are you?" She said quietly to herself. She walked around for about an hour or so before she found what she was looking for. "Got cha!" She said a bit too excited. Grabbing a old book. She blew the dust off the book and a small smile appeared on her face. But when she turned around she was hit with some type of gas she couldn't explain. As she was coughing. She tripped and hit some dinosaur bones. The bones fell on top of her. Making a loud noise. Sounding the alarm's. The guard that was sleep, Woke up immediately and looked at the security cameras to see what was going on.
"Stupid kid!!" He screamed grabbing his flashlight and running down the stairs.

She was clearly in pain But before she was completely unconscious. She heard a kid's voice. She heard him say... "Mission Complete!"

After a few hours. All four of them woke up and realized they were in a high tech holding cell. They couldn't move there arms and legs. They also couldn't use there powers. Which frightened them.

A kid came out of the shadows.. It was Robin. (Damian Wayne)

Damian had a huge smirk on his face. "I'm glad I have your attention..."

To be continued. >>

~ Faded_Wonders0 ••

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