The greeting./Tower.

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A kid came out of the shadow's.. It was Robin. (Damian Wayne)

Damian had a huge smirk on his face. "I'm glad I have your attention..." He said clearly to the other four.

"Who the hell are you!? And why did you kidnapp us!?" Beast boy growled. Wanting answer's.

"Obviously I'm Robin; the boy wonder! I thought you would recognized the 'R' but I guess you're as dumb as your records say." Damian retaliated.

"What!? No!! Tim Drake is the real Boy Wonder! You're Just.. some knock off!!" The green boy was determined to win this argument.

"Tim was my brother! You idiot!" Adopted at that. .

When Beast boy heard that he decided to shut up. But Kid flash wanted to get out. So he tried to break the handle's. Starfire sighed. Not understanding any of this.

"Excuse me, Robin why did you kipnapp us? Why didn't you ask? And are these holding cells necessary?" She spoke lightly.

"I kidnapped you because I need your help.. A man named Ra Al Gul is trying to revive Trigon!"

"WHAT?!!? WHY!!!??" Raven scream from the top of her lung's.

"Because he has used the last of the lazarus pit, he needs that pit to stay young. Trigon is the only one who can bring the Lazarus pit back; And recently he stolen a book how to revive a devil, He hopes that Trigon will bring the lazarus pit back to him."

"How do you know all this?" Kid flash asked Damian in a tone of fear.

"My father is Batman, the best detective in the world! That's all the information you need to know."

Raven looked down, Not wanting any part of this but she knew she was the only one who could stop him. "O-Okay..I'll help.." She said softly.

Damian released her from her cell.

"Hmm..Well I have nothing else to do. Count me in too." Beast boy said.

"Yeah me too! I think...But I don't know how to fully control my powers! Just thought you should know that." Kid Flash implied.

"I'll be happy to help anyone in need! I'll gladly help you!" Starfire chimed in.

Hearing this? Damian released them all. "I'm glad you're all on board!"

"Yeah well..Next time ask! I don't appreciate being tranquillized!" Kid Flash said rubbing his wrist.

Beast boy nodded in agreement. Damian just glares at the two. "Allow me to show you where you'll be staying until our mission is over!" Damian walked them outside to a near by boat. Everyone got on the boat with caution. Damian saw them and smiled. Knowing they don't trust him.

After the boat ride. They arrived at there destination point. Everyone's eye's widened seeing the 'T' shaped tower.

"Whoa!! Awesome dude!" Wally yelled. Running towards the tower in top speed. He manage to slow down at the door. He looked back to see everyone behind him. But he didn't care! He open the door and ran inside. Looking in everyone room. He saw the kitchen and living room and jumped onto the sofa. Smiling at the video games around him. "I'm rich!" Wally yelled. "No you're not! Correction, I'm rich!" Damian killed Wally's mood by saying that. Starfires eye's shined looking at the kitchen. "Oooohh I love cooking!" She shouted in glee. "That's not what your records say.." Damian killed her mood by saying that. Beast Boy ran to the video games immediately. "Oh yeah boy!! Video games!!! Anyone want to play the king!?" Wally heard Beast Boy's request and grabbed a controller. "There can only be one king my friend! And I'm afraid that's me! Beast boy." Garfield chuckled, starting the game. "Call me Garfield! That's my real name!" Wally's eyes widened. "Y-You trust me with your super hero I.d already?? Ohh..Okay! Well mine is Wally! Wally west!"
"Pleasure to meet you Wally!" Garfield said beating him in the game. Just one of his many wins, especially since it was a racing game.

"Likewise!" Wally said trying to catch up.

~Raven P.o.V~
I see everyone having fun already. Whatever...I wonder where my room is? "Raven? Can I aid you?" Damian said to me as I was making my way down the hall. "I'm fine..Actually.. Where's my room?" I asked in a raspy tone. "Down the hall to your right." He said with a small smile.
Wait...Why is he smiling at me? This isn't one of those devilish smile's I saw earlier. . . Whatever. I made my way to my room, pushing open the door to see a nice, large bed. Not hesitating to lay down.

I'm so scared. . .What if my Father come's back!!? How will I be able to stop him /again/! What if everyone dies trying to stop him!? The best we can do is hide!

A knock came to the door.

I wonder who that can be. . . I open the door slowly. Seeing Starfire delighted face. "Hello, friend Raven! I was just making sure you were the O-K."
"I'm okay, Bye" I shut the door before she could say anything else to me. I really don't feel like talking...I just decided to laid down and drift to sleep in fear, hoping my father doesn't return. ~~

Damian entered the living room and saw the two boys playing video games..
"You idiots better go to sleep soon! We have a busy day tomorrow!"

"Mhmn..Whatever." Gar chanted
"Y-Yeah. Five more minutes."-Wally added.

"Let the boys have a little fun. Maybe that's what you need!" Starfire gave him an innocent smile.

'Maybe you need to learn how to cook. Alien!"

Starfire frowned and walked away. Obviously he was a lost cause.

To be continued... >>


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