Mission starts.

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(Ra's Island)
Everything was dark as the Titans stayed in the shadows. Robin jumped through the tree's and Kid flash used his super speed to meet up with Raven.

Raven felt the wind and coolness hit her face when seeing Kid Flash.
"Did you see the Demon? Ra Al Ghul?" Raven asked in a gentle tone.

"Nope! But Man! It's cold! A-Aren't you scared! Ray? This is my first mission in a big group...I don't even know how to control my speed."

"No. . .I'm not afraid of this. . .You think you know fear? You haven't seen his eye's.."


"Yeah..It's cute how you think a mission against ninja's is scary. . .They don't have his laugh so there's nothing to fear, and your speed? I'm sure you'll get better. Training with the flash Is your best bet."

"Umm. . . Thanks. .Raven. Really, that was a bit helpful."


Starfire landed next to the two with a warm smile. "Greetings, team mate's. I've checked the area! There's lots of them! The Ninja's! I almost got spotted!"

Kid flash was about to say something until he saw a green snake crawling around.
"Shit!! Snake! Get back!!"

The snake turned into his human form showing that it was Beast Boy.
"HAHA!! GOTCHA!!" He shouted. Then a karate chop met Garfield's head. Beast boy let out a cry of pain then saw Robin.

"Quiet!!" The Boy Wonder spoke and got in front of everyone. "Listen up team. . .There's an underground tunnel that leads to an entrance. If you four shut the hell up and do what I tell you? Then this plan will be a success."

"Friend Robin, we are not the toys. If you want us to cooperate, then change your tone of voice, you're just a /kid/ after all."

"Hold your tongue alien! We're on the island where the League Of Assassins live, train, fight! And if y'all forgot!!? I'M BATMAN!"

Beast boy looked at Kid flash. Allowing a moment if silence to breeze by then the both of them started to BURST out laughing at him. Totally forgetting there were enemies below the area.



Robin glares at them coldly. "Stop laughing.."

Even Raven started laughing at him which hurted Damian feelings...He may be a warrior... But he had a heart and seeing Raven laugh at him? He lost some of his confidence.

"I-It's not funny!!!! S..Stop laughing!! I am the next Batman!" Damian shouted.

Starfire saw him, she saw the pain and step in this.

"All of you? Enough! We have a mission to do! Now let's get to it." She spoke in a firm and leader tone and flew in front.

Raven, Bb, and KF shrugged and followed her soon after. Leaving Damian behind; in anger he balled up his fist and kicked the dirt, The Boy Wonder thought for a moment before catching up with the other's.


There was a guard in the top of a tree. Luckily Kid Flash saw him. "Uh? Guys..look."

Raven looked up and smirked. "I got this.. Azaria Metrodome Centos!!!" The assassin clothing turned black instantly, turning into a snake, chocking him out.

"Nice one! Moma!" Gar said but out of nowhere a slap met his face.

"Don't call me that!" Raven demanded

"Titian's go." Starfire whispered to herself not thinking anyone heard her.

"Huh?"-Kid Flash.

"Ohh! I think I'll say that before fighting.." - Starfire.

"Whatever makes you happy.  .  ." Wally said with an sigh of disbelief.."Titans? Really?" Was all he said to himself thinking it was a goofy name before getting shoulder bumped by Robin.

Robin walked passed the tree's and opened a secret door.

"Here it is. . .Titans? Go!" Damian shouted softly while holding the door for them.

"That was my line!!" Starfire grumbled and went inside then Raven Kid flash and before Beast boy went in he said.

"I'm Batman...BAHAHAHA!!!"

Robin rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him. Not telling the team that this door was leading to the sewers.

Updated finally!!!

•Hoped y'all liked this rushed chapter..😅


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