Untitled Part 6

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(Get ready cuz this chapie is freakishly long!! I mean it!!)

"Rena!!" Kaizo yelled from his room, a blond teenager poke her head at the entrance, "Yes captain?". "Set course to Earth, I'll be staying there for a while and so are you. We'll be staying at a place called Pulau Rintis" the dark purplish haired said. "For a mission captain?" Kaizo froze "Something like that" he said and slam the door.

Rena still with a poker face walks to the control room and told Lahab to change course before returning to her own room to pack. She search for some infos on the planet's location they're going so she'll know how to dress.

Rena type in some codes and step into her disguise machine. She came out moments later wearing a blue hijab, light green long sleeve dress-like top, slim-cut black jeans and sneakers. She wore contact lenses to hide her violet eyes turning them brown.

She packs extra other clothes for spare, "We're arriving Earth in 5 minutes" Lahab announced through the speakers. She drag her bag to the docking area seeing Kaizo is already there in his disguise.

The captain is wearing a stylish dark blue sleeveless hoodie top with the words 'Swag life' written in black, black finger-less gloves, jeans and dark blue combat boots. Rena raise an eyebrow at how her usually stuck up captain's clothing.

"What?" the older male asks but silent is what he gets in return. Rena was a quiet girl, very quiet but very skilled. Her power is force manipulation but she mostly use a blue light saber in battles(DEAL WITH IT, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH ALL OF US XD XD XD). Kaizo recruit her after Pang left.

Just as he thought that one of his late best friend's younger sibling could replace his, he was so damned wrong. Rena was...... perfect? She didn't protest, show no emotions, quiet, do exactly what he says, punctual, polite, and just isn't the same as Pang.

Rena was like a flipping robot and that's not what Kaizo expect from her but she's stuck with him now weather he likes it or not. The whole reason he asks her to come was he wanted to make sure Pang re-met with a familiar face.

The two teleport down and hop onto the train to Pulau Rintis, they had to go there this way so Pang wouldn't know they're coming. Kaizo watch as his spaceship that's invisible to other human's eyes vanish from the sky above.

He heard noises and turn around to see girls a seat across his and Rena's practically fangirling at him. Rena who's seating beside him was reading something on her phone with ear buds on. He felt uncomfortable when one of the girls tries to get his attention by flashing him flirty smiles and typical 'psst'.

Rena put down her phone for a second and turn to the girls, her face emotionless whatsoever,"Back off, my brother is not interested in any of you" The hijab girl said, a tint of annoyance in her voice. The girls immediately shut up and send nasty glares at the hijab female who had returned to staring at her phone.

The black purplish haired make let out a relived sigh and continues to stare out the window.


"Cy, could you get me more nails?" Thorn asks his twin, "Here!" the blue eyed said handing him a box of nails. Part of their plan for Fang's birthday was to restore Fang's haunted house to make it more liveable as a present so they had insist the boy to stay with them a little lot longer and keep him away from the house.

Thorn, Cyclone and Thunderstorm were demolishing some parts of the house since morning while the others do their own part. Now, they're putting the lower floor back together first. Thunderstorm work on the Living room on his own while Thorn and Cyclone did the main entrance space.

Do you even Care? (Fang and Kaizo)Where stories live. Discover now