Bonus filler chapter

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Yaya and the others excluding Rena had left moments ago leaving only the few siblings alone. Rena wanted to wait for her captain so she insist to keep waiting. Ice walk out with Blaze to the bathroom along with Solar on Thorn's command cuz the nature elemental twin don't trust his fire and ice twin by themselves with all this happening.

Thorn went out a little later to fetch something for Thunderstorm to eat, leaving only Rena with the Thunder elemental twin. "Hey, you're Kaizo subordinates right?"


"friends with Fang?"


"Never met?"

"Met, but he doesn't recognise me in this disguise"

"What do you really looked like then?"

Rena sigh, she tap on her invisible power mask and her outfit change completely. She's now with her shoulder length blond hair, a streak of red dye haired could be seen and violet eyes. She's wearing a leather red velvet jacket on top of a dull yellow tee, purple finger-less gloves, black jeans and dark purple combat boots.

A silver locket with a craving picture of Erica flowers dangles from her neck and her mask that looked almost exactly like Kaizo's except it's the blue part is red. Thunderstorm was stunned, she looked amazing. Out of place for a human but definitely outstanding.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks, too dense to know Thunderstorm is checking her out from head to toe. "Not bad, for an alien" The male teased. "I don't understand" she plainly state with a poker face. "Ugh, she's dense...." The female could hear him mutters from under his breath.

He look over at her and notice something, her tee was a bit short so it expose a bit part of her stomach if she forgot to pull it down. And from there he could see bandages. 'So she's dense about 'that stuff' but know a lot enough to cut? Does everyone in this story cuts?!'

Thunderstorm turn to look at you readers, "Fellow readers of all age please don't do this at home or anywhere else cuz cutting will only hurt you more without you realizing." He said to a blank space.

"Who are you talking to?" Rena retort, "No one"


Kaizo decided to bring Earthquake home instead since it's getting late, visiting hours probably had ended hours ago. On the way out, he walk with Earthquake and met the other siblings and Rena at the front door.

"So see you tomorrow?" The oldest male ask the Earth elemental twin. "Yeah.." With that he and Rena return to the not so haunted house to rest. "Earthquake," Blaze said to his twin, "Yes Blaze?". The fire elemental Boboiboy hugs his brother. And it turns into a group hug (again cuz I love hugs, deal with it)

The 5 boys reach their house and open the door to the cutest sight they've ever seen. Fang sit-sleeps on the couch while Cyclone sleeps on his lap with his face buried into Fang's neck and one of the shadow user's hand was around Cyclone's waist. 'Oh my god' All five of them thought, each of them took a picture before quietly tip toes to their respective rooms.

Earthquake twisted and turn on his bed, looking down on the laid mattress, he could only imagine his other twin brothers, Thunderstorm and Cyclone sleeping there with Ochobot. His door suddenly crack open and the five other elementals came in.

"We thought you might need company" Ice state giving a very small smile. He's wearing his light blue pyjamas, no hoodie or cap, his pyjamas was short sleeve so it shows his bandaged arm and legs. Fire had his hoodie on no bandages on his arm but they knew he cuts on his chest and stomach.

Solar wears long-sleeve yellow pyjamas but of course they knew he cuts on his legs but not as much as Ice, Cyclone or Thunderstorm. Earthquake had both of his arms half bandaged, his looked newer since he just got them. Thorn didn't cut, he bites.

Whenever he felt like his inner pain was too much he just simply bites his hand spas hard as he can till blood spill out, because he wears gloves, nobody but Fang and his brothers knew.

Earthquake got off his bed and join his twins on the, mattress. Ochobot groan "Please don't make too much noise". The Boboiboy siblings lay downs and held each other's hand.

'We'll get through this.....together'

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