Conflict/ Confession

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Kaizo's POV (Not wearing facial disguise anymore btw and pretend the pic above is Cyclone and Fang #wrongshipbutwhatevs)

I use my sword to cut some wood planks, it was not too bad cuz it's just like physical training. The house was big alright, the lower floor had 2 bathrooms, entrance space, Living room, dinning room, laundry room, 2 guest room and the kitchen. Upper floor had a master bedroom (it has it's own bathroom), 2 guestroom, my room, Rena's room and 1 bathroom.

The lower floor is already in place, the only thing left is the furniture. The upper floor is almost done too, I'm working on the stair's railing. Earthquake is helping me with this task because I don't know how to build a wooden railing, I live on a spaceship, what do you expect?

"Uh, Captain Kaizo-" but I cut him off "Just call me Kaizo" he was slightly take back by it. "So Kaizo, Fang sorta told us what happened to him, you know... when he's seven and you've changed....... what exactly happened back there?" I stop hammering the plank.

The boy immediately apologize, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ask you that!! You don't have to tell me!" I could sense fear in his voice, am I really just a frightening figure in your eyes? I sat down.

"No, it's okay. I actually wanted someone to talk to about it.." it was driving me nuts keeping these feelings to myself, I really need someone to hear me out. He curiously sat next to me, a good 15 centimetres away distance between us.

"It was my first mission with our mother, I'm 13 that time. We were ambushed on our targeted planet. My best friends who are also on this mission and it's also their first one...but.. it became their last. My mask was damaged so I couldn't use my powers, my mom got injured, I wanted to go back and save her but she told me to run and I did." I especially hate this part, a hand covering my teary eyes I continue

"I was such a coward leaving my mom behind, seeing her life flash before my eyes. My best friends too had the same luck, they were killed so brutally that it scares me..... When I reach the ship, it went autopilot and took off into space. Nobody survive but me, and it hurts me, why must I be the only one to survive?" I take another deep breath, some tears had slip through my fingers.

"I couldn't bare to have Pang go through the same experience, and I am set to make sure of just that. I know Pang was already too attach to me so I had to make him hate me, that's the only way I know that'll make him stay away from me and that plan worked. He's staying here now, safe with you guys, and I thank you for that" I say removing my hand revealing my crying eyes.

"Kaizo........" I hear him mumbles, he had inch closer and closer to me. "I.... can't help it!!.......I missed him......I want him to come back to me. I want my little brother back...." I rant, the pain I put Pang through came back to be 2x the pain. As shameful it is for a legendary captain like me to cry like a mere weakling, it just really felt good to let it all out

"Kaizo...... I understand how you felt" Earthquake calmly state, "Oh really?" I ask, what does he know about the pain I'm going through?! "I actually feel the same way, I'm always scared and worried I couldn't protect my brothers or friends and let them be taken away from me because I'm not strong enough or just unable to"

I stare at him in shock, how does he knows? "To be honest, when you take Fang away, no offence but that time I felt like committing suicide.... but I got him back and that just made me more than ever to protect him, someone close who I once almost lost" The orange eyed confessed.

"Sorry about that... and thanks for hearing me out", he look at me with a weird look. "What?" was it something I said? "It's just that....... you acted differently than before. It seems really out of character for you" he said scratching the back of his head.

Do you even Care? (Fang and Kaizo)Where stories live. Discover now