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The 7 siblings watch the two from afar like spies in an undercover mission, "What do you think they're talking about?" Solar said breaking the awfully boring silent. "Fang is obviously telling Kaizo what he truly thinks of him" Thunderstorm state.

"Don't any of you think it's funny he's talking about Kaizo without noticing that very person himself was the one he's talking to." Blaze tries to joke. "Now that you mentioned it, it's pretty hilarious" Cyclone comments. "Guys, he's gonna break. We better go save the situation, or more specifically Cyclone has to go and save the situation" Earthquake said to his wind elemental twin.

"Why 'specifically' me?" Cyclone said innocently. He haven't told his brothers yet about his little relationship with Fang. "Isn't that what boyfriends are for?" Ice taunts, emphasizing 'boyfriends'.

"WHAT!? How did you guys know!?"

"Our house has CCTVs"


"There's one in the living room"

"Go on"

"We watch the tape from last night"


"We saw everything"


"Do we need to spell it out for you?"


" *groans* We saw you two kissed"

Cyclone had a horror look. "Don't worry, we approve of your little relationship" Earthquake said and the wind elemental twin sigh in relived. They each grab a tray of food except Cyclone, Blaze and Ice and walk towards the table, Rena could be seen walking back too.

Fang saw them and force a smile, Kaizo saw this and frown. Solar nudge Cyclone, telling him to go to Fang. The blue cap boy nods and skip childishly to their table and sat down next to Fang.

"Fang! What did I told you about bad thoughts!!" He whines, "Hehe, I'm sorry.." Fang said his mood dripping into a lower level. Almost the whole cafeteria is watching them and some even recorded what's happening.

"Haish! What am I ever going to do with you~?" Cyclone said in a flirty tone making Fang blush feeling his partner's head leaning close against his chest. "Cy... We're in public!" the boy whispers, "So what~? I want them all to know..." Cyclone lean closer and closer to his lover's face.

Kaizo who was sitting next to Fang was feeling more uncomfortable than before, 'Don't tell me those two-' but before he could pursue that thought the scene that had unfolded before him left him dumbstruck. Fang and Boboiboy's fangirls had gathered as close as they can to watch the one moment that would change their lives forever.

"You're mine~!" The raven haired chirp, pecking Fang's lips with one swift move. And as on cue including you who is reading this, start going on a fangirling rampage screaming and squealing at them to the point even Rena close her ears. "OH MY GOD!!!! DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT!?! THEY KISSED!!!! IT'S SO CUTE!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! FANG X BOBOIBOY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

The siblings had proud looks, Kaizo had all his colour drained, Rena is staring at the two wide eyed. Fang felt his bad thoughts vanish a playful smirk form on his lips "Well aren't you desperate?" He said pulling Cyclone by the collar of the boy's hoodie

Smashing his lips against Cyclone's with one hand on the cap boy's head. Cyclone snaked his arms around his lovers as the intentionally 'Cheer-up kiss' turn into a heated make out session (XD I made them do that in public!!!). Thunderstorm nod in approval "That's my twin"

Do you even Care? (Fang and Kaizo)Where stories live. Discover now