Chapter 5

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Hey guys!! 

First of all I have to apologize for not updating for such a long time :(

Secondly, Wish you all a Happy New Year!! I had the worst New Year ever!! I had to spend it with a roll of tissues and cough syrup because I decided to be rebel and eat ice cream in the rain :P

I want to thank all of you who took their time to read, vote and comment for my last chapter!! :)

So, here is the next chapter... Hope it is worth the wait :)

Disclaimer: I don't own the amazing One Direction even if I asked to borrow them for christmas and neither do I own the amazing plot that belongs to L.J Smith. I only own the changes I made :)


Chapter 5

Zayn stood next to his new companions taking in the sight in front of him. They had gotten here in Josh’s car. Zayn had sat in the back with Perrie while Niall called shotgun.

They stood behind the brick wall of the back of the warehouse where they had parked the car. From the side they have the perfect view of the entrance to the warehouse. It was dark and the only source of light was their flash lights and a nearby lamp post.

“Nice place”, Perrie whispered, looking around. She had obviously never seen anything like it before. “Don’t you think — there may be other people here besides vampires?”

Niall gave her a reassuring pat, “No, it’s okay.”

“Yeah, it looks like even the junkies have abundant it”, Zayn said, grimly amused.

“You can see the whole street from the window”, Josh put in shortly. “Liam and I were here yesterday watching those warehouses across the street. And last night we saw a guy at the end of the street who looked a lot like a vampire. You know the signs”.

Perrie opened her mouth as if to say she didn’t know the sings buts Zayn was already speaking, “Did you test him?”

“We didn’t want to get that close. We’ll do it tonight if he shows up again”.

“How do you test them?” Perrie asked.

Josh didn’t answer. He and Niall pushed aside a couple of rat- chewed mattresses and were unloading the bags and backpacks they’d brought.

Zayn said, “One way is to shine a flashlight in their eyes. Usually you get eye shine back — like an animal’s”.

“There are other ways too,” Josh said, setting the things he was unloading on the bare boards of the floor. There were ski masks, knives made of both metal and wood, a number of skates of various sizes, and a mallet. Niall added two clubs made of white oak to the pile.

“Wood hurts them more than metal”, Josh said to Perrie. “If you cut them with a steel knife they heal right before your eyes — but cut them with wood and they keep bleeding. They are going to need blood to heal them just like how we need food for strength”.

Zayn didn’t quite like the way he said it. And he didn’t like the last thing Josh was pulling out of his backpack. It was a wooden device that looked a bit like a miniature stock. Two hinged blocks of wood that fit snugly around a person’s wrists and closed with a lock”.

“Vampire handcuffs”, Josh said proudly, seeing his look. “Made of white oak. Guaranteed to hold any blood sucker. I brought them from down south.”

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