Chapter 8

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Hey!!! I'm finally back!! ;) 

This is a really short chapter :( I'm going on vacation tomorrow and my exams just ended today!! I'm do glad they did!! :) I only have a few hours before packing so I decided to post this. I'm really sorry about this being really short but I promise you guys that as soon as I get my ass back from holidays I'll update this!! ;)

Btw, I started watching Suits!! AND IT"S FUCKING AWESOME!!! :) 

Disclamier: I don't own a lot of things that I use.... XD


Zayn moved along the deserted street, keeping to the shadows, moving silently. Not easy when the ground was wet and strewn with broken glass. There were no sidewalks, no grass, no plant life of any kind except the dead weeds in the abandoned lots. Just soggy trash and shattered bottles.

A grim place. It fit Zayn’s mood as he made his way stealthily toward the abounded project building where Josh had brought them Tuesday night.

From its front door, he surveyed the rest of the street. Lots of warehouses. Several of them were protected with high chain-link fences topped with barbed wire. All of them had barred windows— or no windows—and metal freight doors.

The security precautions didn’t bother Zayn. He knew how to cut chain-link and pick locks. What bothered him was that he didn’t know where to start.

The Night people could be using any of the warehouses. Even knowing where Niall and Josh had fought Harry didn’t help, because he had jumped them. He’d obviously seen them lying in ambush and deliberately gone after them. Which meant his real destination could have been any of the buildings on this street—or none of them.

All right. Patience was indicated here. He’d just have to start at one end…

Zayn lost his thought and leaped back into the shadows before her consciously realized why he was doing it. His ears had picked up a sound— a low rumbling coming from somewhere across the street.

He flattened herself against the brick wall behind him, then kept his body absolutely immobile. His eyes darted from building to building and he held his breath to hear better.

There. It was coming from inside that  warehouse, the one down the far end of the street. And he could identify it now—the sound if an engine.

As he watched, the freight door in the front of the warehouse went sliding up. Headlights pierce the night from behind it. A truck was pulling out into the street.

Not a very big truck. It cleared the doors and stopped. A figure was pulling the sliding metal door down,. Now it was making its way to the front of the truck, climbing in.  

Zayn strained his eyes, trying to make out any signs of vampirism in the figure’s movements. He thought that he could detect a certain telltale fluidity to the walk, but it was too far away to be sure. And there was nothing else to give him a clue about what was going on.

It could be a human, he thought. Some warehouse owner going home after a night of balancing books.

But his instinct told him differently. The hair at the back of his neck was standing on end.

And then, as the truck began to cruise off, something happened that settled his doubts and sent him flying down the street.

The back doors of the truck opened just a bit, and a girl fell out. She was slender, and a streetlight caught her blonde hair. She landed on the rubble-strewn road and lay there for an instant as if dazed. Then she jumped up, looked around wildly and started running in Zayn’s direction. 


Well? What do you think is happening with the creepy truck? XD

Anyways, all your comments and votes are welcome!! :) I recently posted a new Zouis fic, my first one at that!! Check it out!! :)



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