Chapter 10

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Hey guys!!
I was bored today and I decided to type this out!! :)



Alice munched on a french fry before taking a sip from her own coke. She cupped her hands around the plastic cup tightly. “It was all so horrible…”

“I know.” Zayn tried to make his voice soothing. He hadn’t had much practice at it. “Try to tell me anyway. Start at the beginning.”

“Okay, well, it started at the Crypt.”

“Uh,as in Tales from the…? Or as in the Old Burial Ground?”

“As in the club on  Prentiss street. It’s this underground club, and I mean really underground. I mean, nobody seems to know about it except the people who go there, and they’ll all our age. Seventeen or eighteen. I never see any adults, not even DJs”.

“Go on.” Zayn was listening intently. The Night People had clubs, usually carefully hidden from the humans. Could Alice have wandered into one?

“Well. It’s extremely and seriously cool—or at least that’s what I thought. They have some amazing music. I mean, it’s beyond doom, beyond goth, it’s sort of like void rock. Just listening to it makes you go all weird and bodiless. And the whole place is decorated like this post-apocalypse wasteland. Or may be like the underworld…” Alice stared off into the distance. Her eye, a very deep cornflower blue under heavy lashes, looked wistful and almost hypnotized. 

Zayn poked her and coke slopped onto the table. “Reminisce about it later. What kind of people were in the club? Vampires?”

“Oh, no.” Alice looked shocked. “Just regular kids. I know some from my school. And there’s lots of runaways, I guess. Street kids, you know.”

Zayn blinked. “Runaways…”

“Yeah. They’re mostly cool, except ones who do drugs. Those are spooky.”

An illegal club full of runaway kids, some of whom would probably do anything for drugs. Zayn could feel his skin tingling.

I think I’ve stumbled onto something big.

“Anyway,” Alice was going on, “I’d been going there for about three weeks, you know, whenever I could get away from home—“

“You didn’t tell your parents about it,” Zayn guessed flatly.

“Are you joking? It’s not a place you tell parents about. Anyway, my family doesn’t care where I go. I’ve got four sisters and two brothers and my mom and step dad are getting divorced… they don’t even notice when I’m gone.”

“Go on.” Zayn said grimly.

“Well, there was this guy.” Alice’s cornflower eyes looked wistful again. “This guy who was really gorgeous, and really mysterious, and really just—just different from anybody I ever met. And I thought he was may be interested in me, because I saw him looking at me once or twice, so I sort of joined the girls and guys who were always hanging around him. We used to talk about weird things.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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