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Y/N's P.O.V

Thank the Lord's Hanbin came or I would've probably exploded too and the both of us would just embarrass ourselves in public.

These kind of fights are cringey and kinda dumb especially when two are just screaming and shouting at each other in public showing and pretty much telling the whole world what's happening in their lives.

But then at the same time, not everyone is the same, so some out there might just be too into their own world they forgot others existed.

Heck, it's even hard to have self-control when you can't think straight during an arguement.

Screw this logical thinking.


Kim Jinhwan.

Why did he have to come back into my life?

Everything was perfectly fine.

Well not really,,

I admit, I still had tiny feelings for him before as much as I thought a fuckboy he was but..

Knowing the truth now...


Maybe I just miss everything.

He is my first love.

But also my first heartbreak.

"Earth to Y/N? Are you there?" I heard Hanbin said as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"H-huh?" I stuttered without myself realizing, finally snapping back to reality.

I'm thinking too much, God.

"Ah, sorry. I was thinking of something." I said and scratched my nape. "What were you saying?" I smiled a little trying to not make things awkward.

Who am I kidding.

I'm like an awkward queen in these kind of situations.

Hanbin raised an eyebrow but seem to just shrug it off. "I was apologizing about Jinhwan's attitude. He was never like that, seriously." He looks at me with a im-100%-sure look.

I chuckled a little.

"It's okay, I don't mind." I smiled.

Hanbin sighed a little. "What was it about tho? Do you two perhaps,, know each other?" He looks at me again, this time looking more curious.

"It wasn't really anything." I said as I try to dodge the other question, hoping he wouldn't ask.

I look straight at where we're walking but I can see through the corner of my eye that Hanbin was expecting another answer from me, but non came out.

Kim Hanbin stop staring at me or you're gonna end up with a brick on your face.

Okay, maybe I didn't really mean that.

I just don't like that stare.

And him.

How he gets worried over the most smallest things ever when he himself has sht to deal with.

How sweet he is.

But also how annoying he is.

"Y/N? You're doing it again!" Hanbin said and slightly pouted.

I blinked for a good 2 seconds then looked at him with a 'what' face.

Hanbin then stopped walking and I did too automatically.

He goes close to my face while furrowing his eyebrows.

"What are you thinking?"

I rolled my eyes trying to act as calm and collected.

But it was the total opposite in the inside.

"Maybe I'd tell you if you backoff, monkey."

He does his madbin face and went back to his normal position then raising an eyebrow waiting for an answer.

"I just remembered that I had to go help halmeonim and I'm kinda late for that, so I was thinking of a valuable reason as to why I'm late. Don't want your sorry ass to be kicked." I lied while shrugging my shoulders.

Hanbin crossed his arms. "Lies. Plus halmeonim wouldn't do-"

I cut him off by taking his wrist and looked at his watch. I then looked at him and said, "Well gotta go, I'll meet ya tonight!" I smiled and jogged off.

"Yah- YAAAHHH!!" I could hear Hanbin's shout slowly going off distance along with footsteps that belong to me only.


I need to stop my habit of overthinking in public.

Aish, get yourself together Y/N, why are you even overthinking about these two boys so bad?

They don't like you.

And neither do you.

Everything is just temporary.



Well another chapter for today, but just a simple one.

Honestly I feel like deleting this story cause I hate how horrible my grammar is.

Maybe to y'all it's fine but like I want to write a story where it has super nice English, like those other books.

But that'll never happen so screw that ╮('v')╭

Well have a great day everyone!

-parkchel loggin out.

[im so gonna cringe at that when I read this back]

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