Ghost of Our Ambitions

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I saw her today

that ghost

that pale moonlit spirit

Who is she?

A dream?

Who could tell but those who walk among the dead?

Those who conjure her from their dull unextraodinary minds

those who seek an unreachable perfection

Do they know the devastating soul they have created?

Can the fathom the destruction that trails behind her upon the hearts of the ordinary

are they oblivious to how she lays waste to our aspirations

how she fills us with self loathing?


How could they

So high on the pedestal they built for themselves

made of the tears of dreamers and wishful thinkers


There they stand oblivious to the ordinary and undesirable.

They only look up

up to her

that pale, moonlit spirit

that dream

They applaud their work and pity those who can not be with her

even though they themselves are not

even though they themselves are ordinary

they, like us, could never walk among the dreams

like us cannot compare to her beauty

cannot be what she demands you to be

what she makes you need to be


*Hey guys! I haven't used this account in years but I'm combining the poetry I started on a new account with this one and I'm going to start here writing here again! I really got into slam poetry and the spoken word so that is the direction the following pieces were heading in so I hope you enjoy. Feedback is always appreciated, thanks a truck load for reading :)

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